This file contains a number of pancake utilities which may be useful in running pancake.
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
import os
import json
import numpy as np
from pandeia.engine.psf_library import PSFLibrary
from pandeia.engine.source import Source
import pandeia.engine.sed as psed
from synphot import SourceSpectrum, SpectralElement, Observation
from synphot.models import Empirical1D
from synphot.units import VEGAMAG
import astropy.units as u
from .engine import calculate_target
from .io import read_bandpass
import requests
import requests.exceptions
import re
import copy
import warnings
from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyWarning, AstropyUserWarning
warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=AstropyWarning)
warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=AstropyUserWarning)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
[docs]def determine_pandeia_offset(config):
Uses Pandeia's PSF library to determine which PSF offset pandeia would use for a particular
configuration (for comparison with the offset that pancake would use in on-the-fly PSF
config : dict
Pandeia dictionary for the observation
- : dict
Dictionary of 'scene' and 'reference' offsets.
instrument = config['configuration']['instrument']['instrument']
aperture = config['configuration']['instrument']['aperture']
scene_sources, reference_sources = [], []
for source in config['scene']:
if 'psf_subtraction_source' in config['strategy']:
path = None
if "pandeia_refdata" in os.environ:
tel = 'jwst'
ins = config['configuration']['instrument']['instrument'].lower()
path = os.path.join(os.environ['pandeia_refdata'], tel, ins, 'psfs')
library = PSFLibrary(path=path)
scene_offsets = library.associate_offset_to_source(scene_sources, instrument, aperture)
reference_offsets = library.associate_offset_to_source(reference_sources, instrument, aperture)
return {'scene': scene_offsets, 'reference': reference_offsets}
[docs]def stellar_spectrum(stellar_type, bandpass, magnitude):
Create a spectrum dictionary that assumes a Phoenix model with a key found in pandeia, and set
the magnitude to the provided value in the provided bandpass (in ABMAG)
stellar_type : str
Spectral type of star
bandpass : str
Bandpass for normalisation
magnitude : float
Vega magnitude in aforementioned bandpass
spectrum : dict
Spectrum parameters for input into Pandeia
spectrum = {'spectrum_parameters': ['normalization', 'sed']}
spectrum['sed'] = {'sed_type': 'phoenix', 'key': stellar_type}
if 'bessel' in bandpass or 'johnson' in bandpass:
spectrum['normalization'] = {'type': 'photsys', 'bandpass': bandpass,
'norm_flux': magnitude, 'norm_fluxunit': 'abmag'}
elif 'miri' in bandpass or 'nircam' in bandpass:
spectrum['normalization'] = {'type': 'jwst', 'bandpass': bandpass, 'norm_flux': magnitude,
'norm_fluxunit': 'abmag'}
spectrum['normalization'] = {'type': 'photsys', 'bandpass': bandpass,
'norm_flux': magnitude, 'norm_fluxunit': 'abmag'}
return spectrum
[docs]def pandeia_spectrum(stellar_type):
Generate a spectrum using the Pandeia Phoenix data files.
Returns two arrays containing the wavelength and flux values, unormalised.
stellar_type : str
Spectral type of star
spectrum.wave : pysynphot spectrum wavelength axis
spectrum.flux : pysynphot spectrum wavelength axis
pandeia_spectra = {'config':'phoenix/spectra.json'}
psed_wav, psed_flux = psed.Phoenix(key=stellar_type, spectra=pandeia_spectra, webapp=True).get_spectrum() #Webapp=True so that only SpT is required
PandeiaSED = SourceSpectrum(Empirical1D, points=psed_wav, lookup_table=psed_flux) #In format angstrom and flam
spectrum_wave = PandeiaSED.waveset.to('micron')
spectrum_flux = PandeiaSED(spectrum_wave, flux_unit='mJy')
return spectrum_wave, spectrum_flux
[docs]def user_spectrum(filename, wave_unit='micron', flux_unit='mJy'):
Read in a user spectrum from a specified file.
filename : str
Filepath for user spectrum file
wave_unit : str
Unit for wavelength axis (column 1)
flux_unit : str
Unit for flux axis (column 2)
spectrum.wave : pysynphot spectrum wavelength axis
spectrum.flux : pysynphot spectrum wavelength axis
if not os.path.isfile(filename):
raise OSError('File "{}" not located, unable to extract spectrum.'.format(filename))
with open(filename) as f:
file_spectrum_data = np.genfromtxt(f).transpose()
file_spectrum_wave = file_spectrum_data[0]
file_spectrum_flux = file_spectrum_data[1]
#Attempt to load in source spectrum and convert input units to the default 'angstrom' and 'flam' using <<
UserSED = SourceSpectrum(Empirical1D, points=file_spectrum_wave << u.Unit(wave_unit), lookup_table=file_spectrum_flux << u.Unit(flux_unit))
raise ValueError('Error converting input wave_unit/flux_unit to the Pandeia flux units via Synphot.')
#This SED is in units 'angstrom' and 'flam', need to assign to users units and then convert to the Pandeia units of 'micron' and 'mjy'
spectrum_wave = UserSED.waveset.to('micron')
spectrum_flux = UserSED(spectrum_wave, flux_unit='mJy')
return spectrum_wave, spectrum_flux
[docs]def normalise_spectrum(input_wave, input_flux, norm_val=5, norm_unit='vegamag', norm_bandpass='2mass_ks'):
Normalise a spectrum to a given bandpass
input_wave : synphot wavelengths
input_flux : synphot fluxes
Flux values in mJy
norm_val : float
Value to normalise to
norm_unit : str
Unit for normalisation value
norm_bandpass : str
Bandpass to normalise in
spectrum.wave : pysynphot spectrum wavelength axis
spectrum.flux : pysynphot spectrum wavelength axis
#Get bandpass for normalisation
NormBandpass = read_bandpass(norm_bandpass)
#Create SED, ensuring to specify the input units are the Pandeia defaults micron and mJy
SED = SourceSpectrum(Empirical1D, points=input_wave << u.Unit('micron'), lookup_table=input_flux << u.Unit('mJy'))
VegaSED = SourceSpectrum.from_vega()
# Normalize to input values, note that the units are retrieved from astropy, but some are explicitly defined in
# the synphot package such as vegamag, abmag, flam, fnu. By virtue of running the SourceSpectrum/SpectralElement
# classes these synphot units are loaded in but if things change in the future, this may break things.
# Synphot changed nomenclature for vegamag as of https://github.com/spacetelescope/synphot_refactor/pull/331
# Catch and change here if needed instead of rewriting documentation / user interface.
if norm_unit == 'vegamag':
SED = SED.normalize(norm_val*VEGAMAG, band=NormBandpass, vegaspec=VegaSED)
SED = SED.normalize(norm_val*u.Unit(norm_unit), band=NormBandpass, vegaspec=VegaSED)
#Return to Pandeia units
spectrum_wave = SED.waveset.to('micron')
spectrum_flux = SED(spectrum_wave, flux_unit='mJy')
return spectrum_wave, spectrum_flux
[docs]def normalize_spectrum(*args, **kwargs):
# This one's for y'all
return normalise_spectrum(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def query_simbad(query_string, query_timeout_sec=5.0, default_spt='a0v', verbose=True):
Query simbad for details on a target object, adapted from the JWST Coronagraphic Visibility Tool
Will in current state attempt to extract: RA, Dec, Spectral Type and Kmagnitude
query_string : str
String to query in SIMBAD, i.e. a stellar name / identifier.
query_timeout_sec : float
Time to allow for query to complete
default_spt : str
Default spectral type to adopt if SIMBAD spectral type cannot be interpreted
verbose : bool
Whether to print information to the terminal
query_results : dict
Extracted SIMBAD results.
if not isinstance(query_string, str):
raise TypeError('Name of source must be a string type')
response = requests.get('http://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/nph-sesame/-oF?' + query_string, timeout=query_timeout_sec)
except (requests.exceptions.ConnectionError):
raise ConnectionError('Could not access Simbad. Most likely because source name not recognised, but also check internet connection/Simbad website.')
body = response.text
query_results = {'ra':None, 'dec':None, 'canonical_id':None, 'norm_val':None, 'spt':None, 'norm_bandpass':None, 'norm_unit':None}
for line in body.split('\n'):
# RA and DEC
if line[:2] == '%J' and query_results['ra'] is None:
match = re.match(r'%J (\d+\.\d+) ([+\-]\d+\.\d+) .+', line)
if match is None:
return None
query_results['ra'], query_results['dec'] = map(float, match.groups())
# Canonical ID / HD Number
elif line[:4] == '%I.0' and query_results['canonical_id'] is None:
match = re.match('%I.0 (.+)', line)
if match is None:
return None
query_results['canonical_id'] = match.groups()[0]
# Spectral Type
elif line[:2] == '%S' and query_results['spt'] is None:
match = re.match(r'%S ([^\s\n]+)', line)
if match is None:
return None
query_results['spt'] = match.groups()[0]
# K Magnitude
elif line[:4] == '%M.K' and query_results['norm_val'] is None:
match = re.match(r'%M.K (.?\d+\.\d+)', line)
if match is None:
return None
query_results['norm_val'] = float(match.groups()[0])
#Check that the magnitude is from the 2MASS catalogue
if '2003yCat.2246' in line:
query_results['norm_bandpass'] = '2mass_ks'
elif '2002yCat.2237' in line:
query_results['norm_bandpass'] = 'johnson_k'
if verbose: print('WARNING: Did not recognise K-band magnitude catalogue, approximating with 2MASS Ks')
query_results['norm_bandpass'] = '2mass_ks'
#Check that units are in Vegamag, if not check if in AB mag, if not assume Vega.
if 'Vega' in line:
query_results['norm_unit'] = 'vegamag'
elif 'AB' in line:
query_results['norm_unit'] = 'abmag'
if verbose: print("WARNING: Couldn't determine magnitude system, assuming Vega magnitudes.")
query_results['norm_unit'] = 'vegamag'
# Check if there was no spectral type, if not just approximate
if query_results['spt'] == None:
if verbose: print("WARNING: Failed to obtain spectral type from SIMBAD. Using spectral type {} instead.".format(default_spt))
query_results['spt'] = default_spt
# Check if any of the other values didn't get assigned...
if None in query_results.values():
none_keys = ', '.join([str(key) for key in query_results if query_results[key] == None])
raise ValueError('Query to Simbad failed for {}, could not obtain: {}'.format(query_string, none_keys))
return query_results
[docs]def convert_spt_to_pandeia(raw_spectral_type):
Function to take a spectral type string, either from Simbad or directly from the user,
and return an approximation that Pandeia can use. If the spectral type string cannot
be understood, then the spectral type will be assumed as A0V.
Makes use of a lot of if statements, perhaps someone smarter could streamline this
at a later date.
raw_spectral_type : str
Spectral type to convert to Pandeia compatability.
pandeia_spectral_type : str
Pandeia compatible spectral type
raw_spectral_type = raw_spectral_type.lower()
pandeia_spectral_type = None
match_failed = False
failed_spt = 'a0v'
failure_message = "WARNING: Failed to approximate spectral type '{}' to Pandeia compatible spectral type. Using spectral type {} instead.".format(raw_spectral_type, failed_spt)
#Read in default spectral types file to check if there is a match to the input spectral type
pandeia_valid_spectral_types_file = os.path.join(os.environ.get("pandeia_refdata"), "sed/phoenix/spectra.json")
with open(pandeia_valid_spectral_types_file, 'r') as f:
pandeia_valid_spectral_types_dict = json.load(f)
except IOError:
raise IOError("Couldn't locate Pandeia reference files and/or pandeia_data/sed/phoenix/spectra.json file.")
pandeia_valid_spectral_types = sorted(list(pandeia_valid_spectral_types_dict.keys()))
pandeia_spectral_type = raw_spectral_type
# If there is a match, simply return the raw spectral type
if pandeia_spectral_type in pandeia_valid_spectral_types:
return pandeia_spectral_type
# If there is not a match, need to approximate one and notify the user.
#Check if star is an O/B/A/F/G/K/M star
compatible_temp_classes = ['o', 'b', 'a', 'f', 'g', 'k', 'm']
if pandeia_spectral_type[0] not in compatible_temp_classes:
return failed_spt
#Check for binary+ objects, only use the primary if so.
if '+' in pandeia_spectral_type:
pandeia_spectral_type = pandeia_spectral_type.split('+')[0]
#Weirdest objects already removed, strip out simbad 'peculiarities', won't strip out 'v' for variable spectrum
#as it clashes with luminosity class. This is maybe fixable but: very small number of objects affected and tricky
#to implement as it requires case sensitivity.
for peculiarity in ['s', 'e', 'n', 'w', 'h', 'p', 'c', 'r', 'u', '?', '(', ')']:
pandeia_spectral_type = pandeia_spectral_type.replace(peculiarity, '')
#Also a bunch of 'I' subclasses that can't be used, approximate all of them to just type 'I'
for isubclass in ['ia-0', 'ia-0/ia', 'ia', 'ia/iab', 'iab', 'iab-b', 'ib', 'ib-ii', '_0-ia', '_0-ia+']:
pandeia_spectral_type = pandeia_spectral_type.replace(isubclass, 'i')
#Check if 'm' for metallic lines present, but not if the first character or a character after '/' or '+'
if 'm' in pandeia_spectral_type and pandeia_spectral_type[0] != 'm':
m_index = pandeia_spectral_type.rfind('m') #Search for last 'm' in the string
if not pandeia_spectral_type[m_index-1] in ['/', '+']:
#Should be just a metallic line signifier
pandeia_spt_list = list(pandeia_spectral_type)
pandeia_spt_list[m_index] = ''
pandeia_spectral_type = ''.join(pandeia_spt_list)
# Next need to check length of spectra, idea is to get everything a single temperature (O3-M9) and luminosity class (I/II/III/IV/V/VI)
# before further processing can be done.
if len(pandeia_spectral_type) == 1:
#Must be one of previuosly checked temperature classes, with no subdivision, assume it is type *5V
pandeia_spectral_type = '{}5v'.format(pandeia_spectral_type[0])
elif len(pandeia_spectral_type) == 2:
#Check the second string value is a number (temperature signifier)
return failed_spt
else:#If it is a number, assume star is spectral type 'V'.
pandeia_spectral_type += 'v'
elif len(pandeia_spectral_type) == 3:
#Couple of options, most should be simple like 'a3v', but some complicated like 'K-M' that we can still use
#If not a number in the middle, must be something weird
if pandeia_spectral_type[1] == '-' or pandeia_spectral_type[1] == '/':
#Temperature class is uncertain with no luminosity classifer, approximate to the latter temperature class *0V
pandeia_spectral_type = '{}0v'.format(pandeia_spectral_type[2])
elif pandeia_spectral_type[1] == ':':
#Just don't know what the temperature class subdivision is, approximate to 5
pandeia_spectral_type = pandeia_spectral_type.replace(':', '5')
return failed_spt
#Whole host of options, some standard and some more complex.
if ':' in pandeia_spectral_type:
if pandeia_spectral_type[-1] == ':':
#Uncertainty in the last quantity, luminosity or temperature class
#It could be the luminosity class
if pandeia_spectral_type[-2] in ['i', 'v']:
pandeia_spectral_type = pandeia_spectral_type.replace(':','')
return failed_spt
#It's the temperature class and there is no luminosity class
pandeia_spectral_type = pandeia_spectral_type.replace(':','')
if '/' in pandeia_spectral_type:
# if 'iii/v' in pandeia_spectral_type:
# pandeia_spectral_type = pandeia_spectral_type.replace('iii/v', 'v')
#Must be some uncertainity in either temperature or luminosity class, or both.
split_spectral_type = pandeia_spectral_type.split('/')
pandeia_spt_lumclass = None
pandeia_spt_tempclass = None
if len(split_spectral_type) >= 4:
# Too many splits, can handle at best 1 split in temperature and 1 split in luminosity
return failed_spt
for i in range(len(split_spectral_type)-1):
#Check if the character just before the split is a number
#If it isn't... Should be an uncertainty in luminosity class, approximate to I, III, or V
if split_spectral_type[-1] == 'i' or split_spectral_type[-1] == 'ii':
pandeia_spt_lumclass = 'i'
elif split_spectral_type[-1] == 'iii' or split_spectral_type[-1] == 'iv':
pandeia_spt_lumclass = 'iii'
elif split_spectral_type[-1] == 'v' or split_spectral_type[-1] == 'vi':
pandeia_spt_lumclass = 'v'
return failed_spt
#If it is... Should be an uncertainty in temperature class, couple more options
#Check if the character *after* the split is a number
#If it isn't... temperature class is uncertain between the actual divisions, e.g. K9/M0
subdiv_one = float(''.join(c for c in split_spectral_type[i] if c.isdigit() or c == '.'))
subdiv_two = float(''.join(c for c in split_spectral_type[i+1] if c.isdigit() or c == '.')) + 10
average_subdiv = int(round((subdiv_one+subdiv_two)/2))
if average_subdiv >= 10:
average_subdiv -= 10
pandeia_spt_tempclass = '{}{}'.format(split_spectral_type[i+1][0],average_subdiv)
pandeia_spt_tempclass = '{}{}'.format(split_spectral_type[0][0],average_subdiv)
#If it is... temperature class is uncertain between subdivisions, e.g. K8/9
subdiv_one = float(''.join(c for c in split_spectral_type[i] if c.isdigit() or c == '.'))
subdiv_two = float(''.join(c for c in split_spectral_type[i+1] if c.isdigit() or c == '.'))
average_subdiv = int(round((subdiv_one+subdiv_two)/2))
pandeia_spt_tempclass = '{}{}'.format(split_spectral_type[0][0],average_subdiv)
#Combine average classes with each other or the base spectral type.
if pandeia_spt_tempclass != None and pandeia_spt_lumclass != None:
pandeia_spectral_type = pandeia_spt_tempclass + pandeia_spt_lumclass
elif pandeia_spt_lumclass == None:
#Need to get luminosity class from the base spectral type, final character before lumclass should be a number
tempclass_final_index = [x.isdigit() for x in pandeia_spectral_type[::-1]].index(True)
if tempclass_final_index == 0:
#There is no information on the luminosity class, use 'v'
pandeia_spt_lumclass = 'v'
#There is spectral class information.
pandeia_spt_lumclass = pandeia_spectral_type[-tempclass_final_index:]
pandeia_spectral_type = pandeia_spt_tempclass + pandeia_spt_lumclass
elif pandeia_spt_tempclass == None:
#Need to get the temperature class from the base spectral type
subdiv = float(''.join(c for c in split_spectral_type[0] if c.isdigit() or c == '.'))
if subdiv == 9.5:
#Will be best approximated by '0' of the next temperature class down i.e. K9.5->M0
div = compatible_temp_classes[compatible_temp_classes.index(pandeia_spectral_type[0])+1]
pandeia_spt_tempclass = div + '0'
pandeia_spectral_type = pandeia_spt_tempclass + pandeia_spt_lumclass
return failed_spt
#Simply round the temperature class to the nearest even value.
pandeia_spt_tempclass = pandeia_spectral_type[0] + str(int(round(subdiv)))
pandeia_spectral_type = pandeia_spt_tempclass + pandeia_spt_lumclass
return failed_spt
#After that, check the luminosity class and convert to one Pandeia can use if necessary
if pandeia_spectral_type[-2:] == 'ii' and pandeia_spectral_type[-3] != 'i':
#Luminosity class II, approximate to III
pandeia_spectral_type += 'i'
elif pandeia_spectral_type[-2:] == 'iv' or pandeia_spectral_type[-2:] == 'vi':
#Luminosity class IV or VI, approximate to V
pandeia_spectral_type = pandeia_spectral_type[:-2]
pandeia_spectral_type += 'v'
elif pandeia_spectral_type[-1] == 'i' or pandeia_spectral_type[-1] == 'v':
#Should only catch the remaining I, III and V, luminosity classes - just pass to avoid error
return failed_spt
if pandeia_spectral_type not in pandeia_valid_spectral_types:
#Need to convert cleaned spectral type to the nearest one that Pandeia can use. But first, to ease with the
#adjustment of the strings we split up the spectral type string.
pandeia_spectral_type = list(pandeia_spectral_type)
if len(pandeia_spectral_type) == 3 and pandeia_spectral_type[-1] == 'i':
#These are the 'i' class stars
if pandeia_spectral_type[0] == 'o':
# O star conversions
if pandeia_spectral_type[1] in ['3', '4', '5', '7']:
pandeia_spectral_type[1] = '6'
elif pandeia_spectral_type[1] == '9':
pandeia_spectral_type[1] = '8'
return failed_spt
elif pandeia_spectral_type[0] == 'm':
# M star conversions
if pandeia_spectral_type[1] == '1':
pandeia_spectral_type[1] = '0'
elif pandeia_spectral_type[1] in ['3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']:
pandeia_spectral_type[1] = '2'
return failed_spt
#BAFGK star convsersions
if pandeia_spectral_type[1] in ['1', '2']:
pandeia_spectral_type[1] = '0'
elif pandeia_spectral_type[1] in ['3','4', '6', '7']:
pandeia_spectral_type[1] = '5'
elif pandeia_spectral_type[1] in ['8', '9']:
pandeia_spectral_type[0] = compatible_temp_classes[compatible_temp_classes.index(pandeia_spectral_type[0])+1]
pandeia_spectral_type[1] = '0'
return failed_spt
elif len(pandeia_spectral_type) == 5:
#These are 'iii' class stars
if pandeia_spectral_type[0] == 'o' or (pandeia_spectral_type[0] == 'b' and pandeia_spectral_type[1] in ['1', '2']):
pandeia_spectral_type = 'b0iii'
elif (pandeia_spectral_type[0] == 'b' and pandeia_spectral_type[1] in ['3','4', '6', '7', '8', '9']) or pandeia_spectral_type[0] == 'a':
pandeia_spectral_type = 'b5iii'
elif pandeia_spectral_type[0] == 'f' or (pandeia_spectral_type[0] == 'g' and pandeia_spectral_type[1] in ['1', '2']):
pandeia_spectral_type = 'g0iii'
elif (pandeia_spectral_type[0] == 'g' or pandeia_spectral_type[0] == 'k') and pandeia_spectral_type[1] in ['3','4','6', '7']:
pandeia_spectral_type[1] = '5' #Convert to g5iii or k5iii
elif (pandeia_spectral_type[0] == 'g' and pandeia_spectral_type[1] in ['8', '9']) or (pandeia_spectral_type[0] == 'k' and pandeia_spectral_type[1] in ['1', '2']):
pandeia_spectral_type = 'k0iii'
elif (pandeia_spectral_type[0] == 'k' and pandeia_spectral_type[1] in ['8', '9']) or pandeia_spectral_type[0] == 'm':
pandeia_spectral_type = 'm0iii'
return failed_spt
elif pandeia_spectral_type[-1] == 'v':
#These are the 'v' class stars, lots of possibilities:
if pandeia_spectral_type[0] == 'o' and int(pandeia_spectral_type[1])%2 == 0:
#O star conversions
pandeia_spectral_type[1] = str(int(pandeia_spectral_type[1]) - 1)
elif pandeia_spectral_type[0] == 'b':
#B star conversions
if pandeia_spectral_type[1] in ['2', '4', '6']:
pandeia_spectral_type[1] = str(int(pandeia_spectral_type[1]) - 1)
elif pandeia_spectral_type[1] in ['7', '9']:
pandeia_spectral_type[1] = '8'
return failed_spt
elif pandeia_spectral_type[0] == 'a':
if pandeia_spectral_type[1] in ['2', '4', '6']:
pandeia_spectral_type[1] = str(int(pandeia_spectral_type[1]) - 1)
elif pandeia_spectral_type[1] == '7':
pandeia_spectral_type[1] = '5'
elif pandeia_spectral_type[1] in ['8', '9']:
pandeia_spectral_type = 'f0v'
return failed_spt
elif pandeia_spectral_type[0] == 'f' or pandeia_spectral_type[0] == 'g':
if pandeia_spectral_type[1] in ['1', '3', '6', '9']:
pandeia_spectral_type[1] = str(int(pandeia_spectral_type[1]) - 1)
elif pandeia_spectral_type[1] in ['4', '7']:
pandeia_spectral_type[1] = str(int(pandeia_spectral_type[1]) + 1)
return failed_spt
elif pandeia_spectral_type[0] == 'k':
if pandeia_spectral_type[1] in ['1', '3', '6', '8']:
pandeia_spectral_type[1] = str(int(pandeia_spectral_type[1]) - 1)
elif pandeia_spectral_type[1] == '4':
pandeia_spectral_type[1] = '5'
elif pandeia_spectral_type[1] == '9':
pandeia_spectral_type = 'm0v'
return failed_spt
elif pandeia_spectral_type[0] == 'm':
if pandeia_spectral_type[1] in ['1', '3']:
pandeia_spectral_type[1] = str(int(pandeia_spectral_type[1]) - 1)
elif pandeia_spectral_type[1] in ['4', '6', '7', '8', '9']:
pandeia_spectral_type[1] = '5'
return failed_spt
pandeia_spectral_type = ''.join(pandeia_spectral_type)
# Final check to ensure that the approximation worked, if not then set to failed spt. Unless there is a bug this shouldn't get called.
if pandeia_spectral_type not in pandeia_valid_spectral_types:
return failed_spt
# Check if pandeia spectral type equals user provided, if not notify user.
if pandeia_spectral_type != raw_spectral_type:
approximated_spt_message = "WARNING: Spectral type '{}' not compatible with Pandeia grid, using spectral type '{}' instead."
return pandeia_spectral_type
[docs]def optimise_readout(obs_dict, t_exp, optimise_margin, min_sat=1e-6, max_sat=1, min_groups=4, min_ints=1):
Function to estimate optimal readout parameters for a given observation based
on an input exposure time.
obs_dict : dict
Pandeia dictionary for this observation
t_exp : float
Desired exposure time in seconds
optimise_margin : float
Fraction of t_exp "wiggle-room" in estimating optimal readout
min_sat : float
Minimum allowable fraction of saturation
max_sat : float
Maximum allowable fraction of saturation
pattern : str
Optimal readout pattern
groups : int
Optimal number of groups
integrations : int
Optimal number of integrations
pattern, groups, integrations = None, None, None
t_margin = t_exp * optimise_margin #Convert optimise margin to margin in seconds
instrument = obs_dict['configuration']['instrument']['instrument']
subarray = obs_dict['configuration']['detector']['subarray']
#Need to extract subarray frame time from config files
config_file = os.path.join(os.environ.get("pandeia_refdata"), 'jwst/{}/config.json'.format(instrument))
with open(config_file, 'r') as f:
config_dict = json.load(f)
except IOError:
raise IOError("Couldn't locate Pandeia reference files and/or pandeia_data/jwst/{}/config.json file.".format(instrument))
subarray_frame_time = config_dict['subarray_config']['default'][subarray]['tframe']
if instrument == 'nircam':
#NIRCam optimisation tricky due to the variety of readout patterns. First rule out the BRIGHT1, SHALLOW2, MEDIUM2, and DEEP2
#patterns as their counterparts have more measured frames. 5 patterns left, in this naive optimisation we will try to use the
#longest possible ramp without saturating. Might be that better contrast can be obtained further out by letting the innermost
#region saturate, not going to try and approximate this effect.
used_patterns = ['deep8', 'medium8', 'shallow4', 'bright2', 'rapid'] #Descending order important as longest pattern checked first
obs_dict['configuration']['detector']['ngroup'] = 2 #If it saturates in groups, tough to observe
obs_dict['configuration']['detector']['nint'] = 1
obs_dict['configuration']['detector']['readout_pattern'] = 'rapid'
data = calculate_target(obs_dict)
sat_frac = data['scalar']['fraction_saturation']
sat_pix = np.count_nonzero(data['2d']['saturation'])
#Can't work with groups like MIRI, need to define a maximum integration time before saturation
sat_time = (max_sat/sat_frac)*2 * subarray_frame_time
if sat_frac > 1:
#There is saturation, use fastest possible readout pattern and warn user.
print('WARNING: {:.1f}% saturation detected with the shortest possible readout settings. {} pixels affected.'.format(100*sat_frac, sat_pix))
pattern, groups, integrations = 'rapid', 2, 1
#No saturation, optimise readout parameters
best_pattern = None
for pattern in used_patterns:
#Extract pattern config information from earlier loaded dict
pattern_config = config_dict['readout_pattern_config'][pattern]
nframe = pattern_config['nframe']
nskip = pattern_config['ndrop2']
#Time for a single integration with two groups (minimum possible)
one_integration_time = subarray_frame_time * ((nframe+nskip)+nframe)
if one_integration_time > (t_exp+t_margin) or one_integration_time > sat_time:
#This pattern is too long to be used, go to next pattern in the list
#Pattern will fit into the desired exposure time, now find optimal parameters (if possible)
#First need to calculate max number of groups, which is a little tricky. Official formula is
#integration time = Tframe × [(Nframes + Nskip) × (Ngroups -1) + Nframes] and we can rearrange
#to find the maximum number of groups given the exposure time.
max_groups_exp = int(np.floor((((t_exp + t_margin) - (nframe * subarray_frame_time))/(subarray_frame_time*(nframe+nskip))) + 1))
max_groups_sat = int(np.floor((((sat_time) - (nframe * subarray_frame_time))/(subarray_frame_time*(nframe+nskip))) + 1))
max_groups = np.min([max_groups_exp, max_groups_sat])
if 'deep' in pattern and max_groups > 20:
max_groups = 20 #Maximum number of allowed groups for DEEP readout
elif max_groups > 10:
max_groups = 10 #Maximum number of allowed groups for all other readouts.
#Now follow a similar methodology as with MIRI
best_ngroup = None
#Start at highest possible number of groups and work our way down until one fits within the margin.
for ngroup in reversed(range(min_groups,max_groups+1)):
integration_time = subarray_frame_time * ((nframe + nskip)*(ngroup-1) + nframe)
min_int = int(np.ceil( (t_exp-t_margin) / integration_time))
max_int = int(np.floor( (t_exp+t_margin) / integration_time))
# May want to override minimum number of integrations
if min_ints == 1:
min_int = int(np.ceil( (t_exp-t_margin) / integration_time))
min_int = min_ints
#Range of possible ints for this number of groups, if one or more match find which one is closest
best_nint = None
best_diff = np.inf
for nint in range(min_int, max_int+1):
t = nint*integration_time
diff = abs(t_exp - t)
if (diff <= abs(t_exp-t_margin)) and diff < best_diff:
#Found a pattern that fits within our range
best_pattern = pattern
best_ngroup = ngroup
best_nint = nint
best_diff = diff
if best_nint != None:
#Have found optimised readout parameters for this pattern within the user defined range, exit optimisation loop.
#Need to keep searching
if best_pattern != None:
# Optimised pattern and readout parameters have been found, break out of pattern loop
#Need to move to the next pattern down
if best_ngroup == None or best_nint == None or best_pattern == None:
#Optimisation has failed
raise RuntimeError('Unable to identify optimal readout parameters. Increase "optimise_margin" or manually define readout.')
#Otherwise, the optimisation was succesful
pattern, groups, integrations = best_pattern, best_ngroup, best_nint
elif instrument == 'miri':
#MIRI optimisation is relatively straightforward, always use FAST readout pattern, so we just need to find the largest number of
#groups that a) doesn't saturate the detector, and b) is within th margin around the submitted time.
obs_dict['configuration']['detector']['ngroup'] = 2 #If it saturates in 5 groups, tough to observe
obs_dict['configuration']['detector']['nint'] = 1
obs_dict['configuration']['detector']['readout_pattern'] = 'fast'
data = calculate_target(obs_dict)
sat_frac = data['scalar']['fraction_saturation']
sat_pix = np.count_nonzero(data['2d']['saturation'])
if sat_frac > 1:
#There is saturation, use fastest possible readout pattern and warn user.
print('WARNING: {:.1f}% saturation detected with the shortest possible readout settings. {} pixels affected.'.format(100*sat_frac, sat_pix))
pattern, groups, integrations = 'fast', 2, 1
#No saturation, optimise readout parameters.
max_groups = int(np.floor((max_sat/sat_frac)*2))
cosmic_ray_groups = int(np.floor(300/subarray_frame_time))
if max_groups > cosmic_ray_groups:
#Above balanced cosmic ray limit of 300s, force maximum down to the highest number of groups
max_groups = cosmic_ray_groups
best_ngroup = None
#Start at highest possible number of groups and work our way down until one fits within the margin.
for ngroup in reversed(range(1,max_groups+1)):
min_int = int(np.ceil( (t_exp-t_margin) / (subarray_frame_time*ngroup)))
max_int = int(np.floor( (t_exp+t_margin) / (subarray_frame_time*ngroup)))
# May want to override minimum number of integrations
if min_ints == 1:
min_int = int(np.ceil( (t_exp-t_margin) / (subarray_frame_time*ngroup)))
min_int = min_ints
#Range of possible ints for this number of groups, if one or more match find which one is closest
best_nint = None
best_diff = np.inf
for nint in range(min_int, max_int+1):
t = subarray_frame_time*ngroup*nint
diff = abs(t_exp - t)
if (diff <= abs(t_exp-t_margin)) and diff < best_diff:
#Found a pattern that fits within our range
best_ngroup = ngroup
best_nint = nint
best_diff = diff
if best_nint != None:
#Have found an optimised readout pattern within the user defined range, exit optimisation loop.
#Need to keep searching
if best_ngroup == None or best_nint == None:
#Optimisation has failed
raise RuntimeError('Unable to identify optimal readout parameters. Increase "optimise_margin" or manually define readout.')
#Otherwise, the optimisation was succesful
pattern, groups, integrations = 'fast', best_ngroup, best_nint
raise ValueError('Instrument {} is not supported, please select NIRCam or MIRI'.format(instrument))
return pattern, groups, integrations
[docs]def optimize_readout(*args, **kwargs):
return optimise_readout(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def compute_magnitude(spectrum_wave, spectrum_flux, filt, wave_unit='micron', flux_unit='mJy'):
Calculate the magnitude of a spectrum in a given filter.
spectrum_wave : synphot wavelengths
spectrum_flux : synphot fluxes
Flux values in mJy
filt : str
Filter / bandpass to use
wave_unit : str
Unit of spectrum wave axis
flux_unit : str
Unit of spectrum flux axis
magnitude : float
Vega magnitude in provided filter.
Bandpass = read_bandpass(filt)
SED = SourceSpectrum(Empirical1D, points=spectrum_wave << u.Unit(wave_unit), lookup_table=spectrum_flux << u.Unit(flux_unit))
VegaSED = SourceSpectrum.from_vega()
Obs = Observation(SED, Bandpass, binset=Bandpass.waveset)
magnitude = Obs.effstim(flux_unit='vegamag', vegaspec=VegaSED).value
return magnitude
[docs]def equatorial_to_ecliptic(ra, dec, form=None, verbose=False):
Function to covert equatorial RA and Dec into the ecliptic
longitude and latitude.
ra : float
Right ascension
dec : float
form : str
Format of values, 'degrees' or anything else for radians.
verbose : bool
Print information to terminal
lamb : float
Ecliptic longtiude
beta : float
Ecliptic latitude
ecl = 23.43 * (np.pi / 180)
if form == 'degrees':
ra *= (np.pi / 180)
dec *= (np.pi / 180)
if verbose:
print('Assuming angles are in radians')
beta = np.arcsin(np.sin(dec)*np.cos(ecl) - np.cos(dec)*np.sin(ecl)*np.sin(ra))
lamb = np.arccos(np.cos(ra)*np.cos(dec) / np.cos(beta))
if form == 'degrees':
beta *= 180/np.pi
lamb *= 180/np.pi
return lamb, beta