All code in this module is from Jarron Leisenring and the
pyNRC / WebbPSF_ext packages, repoduced with permission.
The primary reason for direct duplication is to avoid complicating
the installation of PanCAKE.
See following links for potentially more up to date implementations:
# Import libraries
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
import scipy
import scipy.stats
from scipy.stats import arcsine
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from astropy.io import fits
import astropy.units as u
import webbpsf
from webbpsf.opds import OTE_Linear_Model_WSS
# Default OPD info
opd_default = ('JWST_OTE_OPD_cycle1_example_2022-07-30.fits', 0)
# The following won't work on readthedocs compilation
on_rtd = os.environ.get('READTHEDOCS') == 'True'
if not on_rtd:
# .fits or .fits.gz?
opd_dir = webbpsf.utils.get_webbpsf_data_path()
opd_file = opd_default[0]
opd_fullpath = os.path.join(opd_dir, opd_file)
if not os.path.exists(opd_fullpath):
opd_file_alt = opd_file + '.gz'
opd_path_alt = os.path.join(opd_dir, opd_file_alt)
if not os.path.exists(opd_path_alt):
err_msg = f'Cannot find either {opd_file} or {opd_file_alt} in {opd_dir}'
raise OSError(err_msg)
opd_default = (opd_file_alt, 0)
#import errno
#raise FileNotFoundError(errno.ENOENT, os.strerror(errno.ENOENT), opd_file)
[docs]def OPDFile_to_HDUList(file, slice_to_use=0):
Make a picklable HDUList for ingesting into multiproccessor WebbPSF
helper function.
hdul = fits.open(file)
except FileNotFoundError:
opd_dir = webbpsf.utils.get_webbpsf_data_path()
hdul = fits.open(os.path.join(opd_dir, file))
ndim = len(hdul[0].data.shape)
if ndim==3:
opd_im = hdul[0].data[slice_to_use,:,:]
opd_im = hdul[0].data
hdu_new = fits.PrimaryHDU(opd_im)
hdu_new.header = hdul[0].header.copy()
opd_hdul = fits.HDUList([hdu_new])
return opd_hdul
[docs]class OTE_WFE_Drift_Model(OTE_Linear_Model_WSS):
OPD subclass for calculating OPD drift values over time.
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
opdfile : str or fits.HDUList
FITS file to load an OPD from. The OPD must be specified in microns.
opd_index : int, optional
FITS extension to load OPD from
transmission : str or None
FITS file for pupil mask, with throughput from 0-1.
If not explicitly provided, will be inferred from
wherever is nonzero in the OPD file.
slice : int, optional
Slice of a datacube to load OPD from, if the selected
extension contains a datacube.
segment_mask_file : str
FITS file for pupil mask, with throughput from 0-1. If not
explicitly provided, will use JWpupil_segments.fits
zero : bool
Set an OPD to precisely zero everywhere.
rm_ptt : bool
Remove piston, tip, and tilt? This is mostly for visualizing
the higher order parts of the LOM. Default: False.
# Initialize OTE_Linear_Model_WSS
OTE_Linear_Model_WSS.__init__(self, **kwargs)
# Initialize delta OPD normalized images
self.dopd_thermal = None
self.dopd_frill = None
self.dopd_iec = None
# Initialize normalized delta OPD images
[docs] def reset(self, verbose=True):
""" Reset an OPD to the state it was loaded from disk.
i.e. undo all segment moves.
self._frill_wfe_amplitude = 0
self._iec_wfe_amplitude = 0
self.opd = self._opd_original.copy()
self.segment_state *= 0
def _calc_delta_opds(self, thermal=True, frill=True, iec=True):
Calculate delta OPDs for the three components and save to
class properties. Each delta OPD image will be normalized
such that the nm RMS WFE is equal to 1.
# Set everything to initial state
# Calculate thermal dOPD
if thermal:
# self.opd has now been updated to drifted OPD
# Calculate delta OPD and save into self.opd attribute
# This is because self.rms() uses the image in self.opd
self.opd -= self._opd_original
# scale by RMS of delta OPD, and save
self.dopd_thermal = self.opd / self.rms()
# Calculate frill dOPD
if frill:
# Explicitly set thermal component to 0
self.thermal_slew(0*u.min, scaling=0, delay_update=True)
# self.opd has now been updated to drifted OPD
# Temporarily calculate delta and calc rms
self.opd -= self._opd_original
# scale by RMS of delta OPD, and save
self.dopd_frill = self.opd / self.rms()
# Calculate IEC dOPD
if iec:
# Explicitly set thermal and frill components to 0
self.thermal_slew(0*u.min, scaling=0, delay_update=True)
self.apply_frill_drift(amplitude=0, delay_update=True)
# self.opd has now been updated to drifted OPD
# Temporarily calculate delta and calc rms
self.opd -= self._opd_original
# scale by RMS of delta OPD, and save
self.dopd_iec = self.opd / self.rms()
# Back to initial state
[docs] def calc_rms(self, arr, segname=None):
"""Calculate RMS of input images"""
# RMS for a single image
def rms_im(im):
""" Find RMS of an image by excluding pixels with 0s, NaNs, or Infs"""
ind = (im != 0) & (np.isfinite(im))
res = 0 if len(im[ind]) == 0 else np.sqrt(np.mean(im[ind] ** 2))
res = 0 if np.isnan(res) else res
return res
# Reshape into a 3-dimension cube for consistency
if len(arr.shape) == 3:
nz,ny,nx = arr.shape
ny,nx = arr.shape
nz = 1
arr = arr.reshape([nz,ny,nx])
if segname is None:
# RMS of whole aperture
rms = np.array([rms_im(im) for im in arr])
# RMS of specified segment
assert (segname in self.segnames)
iseg = np.where(self.segnames == segname)[0][0] + 1 # segment index from 1 - 18
seg_mask = self._segment_masks == iseg
arr_seg = arr[:,seg_mask]
rms = np.array([rms_im(im) for im in arr_seg])
# If single image, remove first dimension
if nz==1:
rms = rms[0]
return rms
[docs] def slew_scaling(self, start_angle, end_angle):
""" WFE scaling due to slew angle
Scale the WSS Hexike components based on slew pitch angles.
start_angle : float
The starting sun pitch angle, in degrees between -5 and +45
end_angle : float
The ending sun pitch angle, in degrees between -5 and +45
num = np.sin(np.radians(end_angle)) - np.sin(np.radians(start_angle))
den = np.sin(np.radians(45.)) - np.sin(np.radians(-5.))
return num / den
[docs] def gen_frill_drift(self, delta_time, start_angle=-5, end_angle=45, case='BOL'):
""" Frill WFE drift scaling
Function to determine the factor to scale the delta OPD associated with
frill tensioning. Returns the RMS WFE (nm) depending on time and slew
delta_time : astropy.units quantity object
The time since a slew occurred.
start_angle : float
The starting sun pitch angle, in degrees between -5 and +45
end_angle : float
The ending sun pitch angle, in degrees between -5 and +45
case : string
either "BOL" for current best estimate at beginning of life, or
"EOL" for more conservative prediction at end of life. The amplitude
of the frill drift is roughly 2x lower for BOL (8.6 nm after 2 days)
versus EOL (18.4 nm after 2 days).
frill_hours = np.array([
0.00, 0.55, 1.00, 1.60, 2.23, 2.85, 3.47, 4.09,
4.71, 5.33, 5.94, 6.56, 7.78, 9.00, 9.60, 11.41,
12.92, 15.02, 18.00, 21.57, 23.94, 26.90, 32.22,
35.76, 41.07, 45.20, 50.50, 100.58
# Normalized frill drift amplitude
frill_wfe_drift_norm = np.array([
0.000, 0.069, 0.120, 0.176, 0.232, 0.277,
0.320, 0.362, 0.404, 0.444, 0.480, 0.514,
0.570, 0.623, 0.648, 0.709, 0.758, 0.807,
0.862, 0.906, 0.930, 0.948, 0.972, 0.981,
0.991, 0.995, 0.998, 1.000
# Create interpolation function
finterp = interp1d(frill_hours, frill_wfe_drift_norm,
kind='cubic', fill_value=(0, 1), bounds_error=False)
# Convert input time to hours and get normalized amplitude
time_hour = delta_time.to(u.hour).value
amp_norm = finterp(time_hour)
# Scale height from either EOL or BOL (nm RMS)
# Assuming slew angles from -5 to +45 deg
if case=='EOL':
wfe_drift_rms = 18.4 * amp_norm
elif case=='BOL':
wfe_drift_rms = 8.6 * amp_norm
print(f'case={case} is not recognized')
# Get scale factor based on start and end angle solar elongation angles
scaling = self.slew_scaling(start_angle, end_angle)
wfe_drift_rms *= scaling
return wfe_drift_rms
[docs] def gen_thermal_drift(self, delta_time, start_angle=-5, end_angle=45, case='BOL'):
""" Thermal WFE drift scaling
Function to determine the factor to scale the delta OPD associated with
OTE backplane thermal distortion. Returns the RMS WFE (nm) depending on
time and slew angles.
delta_time : astropy.units quantity object
The time since a slew occurred.
start_angle : float
The starting sun pitch angle, in degrees between -5 and +45
end_angle : float
The ending sun pitch angle, in degrees between -5 and +45
case : string
either "BOL" for current best estimate at beginning of life, or
"EOL" for more conservative prediction at end of life. The amplitude
of the frill drift is roughly 3x lower for BOL (13 nm after 14 days)
versus EOL (43 nm after 14 days).
# Convert time array to minutes and get values
# if isinstance(delta_time, (u.Quantity)):
# time_arr_minutes = np.array(delta_time.to(u.hour).value)
# else:
# time_arr_minutes = delta_time
thermal_hours = np.array([
0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., 10.,
11., 12., 13., 14., 15., 16., 17., 18., 19., 20., 21.,
22., 23., 24., 48., 72., 96., 120., 144., 168., 192., 216.,
240., 264., 288., 312., 336., 360., 384., 408., 432., 456., 480., 800.
thermal_wfe_drift_norm = np.array([
0.0000, 0.0134, 0.0259, 0.0375, 0.0484, 0.0587, 0.0685, 0.0777, 0.0865,
0.0950, 0.1031, 0.1109, 0.1185, 0.1259, 0.1330, 0.1400, 0.1468, 0.1534,
0.1600, 0.1664, 0.1727, 0.1789, 0.1850, 0.1910, 0.1970, 0.3243, 0.4315,
0.5227, 0.5999, 0.6650, 0.7197, 0.7655, 0.8038, 0.8358, 0.8625, 0.8849,
0.9035, 0.9191, 0.9322, 0.9431, 0.9522, 0.9598, 0.9662, 0.9716, 1.0000
# Create interpolation function
finterp = interp1d(thermal_hours, thermal_wfe_drift_norm,
kind='cubic', fill_value=(0, 1), bounds_error=False)
# Convert input time to hours and get normalized amplitude
time_hour = delta_time.to(u.hour).value
amp_norm = finterp(time_hour)
# Normalize to 14 days (336 hours)
amp_norm /= finterp(336)
# Scale height from either EOL or BOL (nm RMS)
# Assuming full slew angle from -5 to +45 deg
if case=='EOL':
wfe_drift_rms = 45.0 * amp_norm
elif case=='BOL':
wfe_drift_rms = 13.0 * amp_norm
print(f'case={case} is not recognized')
# Get scale factor based on start and end angle solar elongation angles
scaling = self.slew_scaling(start_angle, end_angle)
wfe_drift_rms *= scaling
return wfe_drift_rms
[docs] def gen_iec_series(self, delta_time, amplitude=3.5, period=5.0,
interp_kind='linear', random_seed=None):
"""Create a series of IEC WFE scale factors
Create a series of random IEC heater state changes based on
arcsine distribution.
delta_time : astropy.units quantity object array
Time series of atropy units to interpolate IEC amplitudes
Keyword Args
amplitude : float
Full amplitude of arcsine distribution. Values will range
from -0.5*amplitude to +0.5*amplitude.
period : float
Period in minutes of IEC oscillations. Usually 3-5 minutes.
random_seed : int
Provide a random seed value between 0 and (2**32)-1 to generate
reproducible random values.
interp_kind : str or int
Specifies the kind of interpolation as a string
('linear', 'nearest', 'zero', 'slinear', 'quadratic', 'cubic',
'previous', 'next', where 'zero', 'slinear', 'quadratic' and 'cubic'
refer to a spline interpolation of zeroth, first, second or third
order; 'previous' and 'next' simply return the previous or next value
of the point) or as an integer specifying the order of the spline
interpolator to use.
Default is 'linear'.
# Convert time array to minutes and get values
if isinstance(delta_time, (u.Quantity)):
time_arr_minutes = np.array(delta_time.to(u.min).value)
time_arr_minutes = delta_time
# Create a series of random IEC heater state changes based on arcsin distribution
dt = period
nsamp = int(np.max(time_arr_minutes)/dt) + 2
tvals = np.arange(nsamp) * dt
# Random values between 0 and 1
arcsine_rand = arcsine.rvs(size=nsamp, random_state=random_seed)
# Scale by amplitude
wfe_iec_all = arcsine_rand * amplitude - amplitude / 2
# res = np.interp(time_arr_minutes, tvals, wfe_iec_all)
finterp = interp1d(tvals, wfe_iec_all, kind=interp_kind,
fill_value=0, bounds_error=False)
res = finterp(time_arr_minutes)
return res
[docs] def gen_delta_opds(self, delta_time, start_angle=-5, end_angle=45,
do_thermal=True, do_frill=True, do_iec=True,
case='BOL', return_wfe_amps=True, return_dopd_fin=True,
"""Create series of delta OPDs
Generate a series of delta OPDS, the result of which is
a combination of thermal, frill, and IEC effects. The
thermal and frill values are dependent on time, start/end
slew angles, and case ('BOL' or 'EOL'). Delta OPD contributions
from the IEC heater switching are treated as random state
switches assuming an arcsine distribution.
delta_time : astropy.units quantity object
An array of times assuming astropy units.
start_angle : float
The starting sun pitch angle, in degrees between -5 and +45.
end_angle : float
The ending sun pitch angle, in degrees between -5 and +45.
case : string
Either "BOL" for current best estimate at beginning of life, or
"EOL" for more conservative prediction at end of life.
do_thermal : bool
Include thermal slew component? Mostly for debugging purposes.
do_frill : bool
Include frill component? Mostly for debugging purposes.
do_iec : bool
Include IEC component? Good to exclude if calling this function
repeatedly for evolution of multiple slews, then add IEC later.
return_wfe_amps : bool
Return a dictionary that provides the RMS WFE (nm) of each
component at each time step.
return_dopd_fin : bool
Option to exclude calculating final delta OPD in case we only
want the final RMS WFE dictionary.
nz = len(delta_time)
except TypeError:
nz = 1
ny,nx = self.opd.shape
# Thermal drift amplitudes
if do_thermal:
amp_thermal = self.gen_thermal_drift(delta_time, case=case,
amp_thermal = np.zeros(nz) if nz>1 else 0
# Frill drift amplitudes
if do_frill:
amp_frill = self.gen_frill_drift(delta_time, case=case,
amp_frill = np.zeros(nz) if nz>1 else 0
# Random IEC amplitudes
if do_iec:
amp_iec = self.gen_iec_series(delta_time, **kwargs)
if nz>1:
amp_iec[0] = 0
amp_iec = np.zeros(nz) if nz>1 else 0
# Add OPD deltas
delta_opd_fin = np.zeros([nz,ny,nx])
if do_thermal:
amp = np.reshape(amp_thermal, [-1,1,1])
delta_opd_fin += self.dopd_thermal.reshape([1,ny,nx]) * amp
if do_frill:
amp = np.reshape(amp_frill, [-1,1,1])
delta_opd_fin += self.dopd_frill.reshape([1,ny,nx]) * amp
if do_iec:
amp = np.reshape(amp_iec, [-1,1,1])
delta_opd_fin += self.dopd_iec.reshape([1,ny,nx]) * amp
if nz==1:
delta_opd_fin = delta_opd_fin[0]
# Get final RMS in nm
rms_tot = np.array(self.calc_rms(delta_opd_fin)) * 1e9
wfe_amps = {
'thermal': amp_thermal,
'frill' : amp_frill,
'iec' : amp_iec,
'total' : rms_tot
if return_wfe_amps and return_dopd_fin:
return delta_opd_fin, wfe_amps
elif return_wfe_amps:
return wfe_amps
elif return_dopd_fin:
return delta_opd_fin
[docs] def evolve_dopd(self, delta_time, slew_angles, case='BOL',
return_wfe_amps=True, return_dopd_fin=True,
do_thermal=True, do_frill=True, do_iec=True, **kwargs):
""" Evolve the delta OPD with multiple slews
Input an array of `delta_time` and `slew_angles` to return the
evolution of a delta_OPD image. Option to return the various
WFE components, including OTE backplane (thermal), frill tensioning,
and IEC heater switching.
delta_time : astropy.units quantity object
An array of times assuming astropy units.
slew_angles : ndarray
The sun pitch angles, in degrees between -5 and +45.
case : string
Either "BOL" for current best estimate at beginning of life, or
"EOL" for more conservative prediction at end of life.
do_thermal : bool
Include thermal slew component? Mostly for debugging purposes.
do_frill : bool
Include frill component? Mostly for debugging purposes.
do_iec : bool
Include IEC component? Good to exclude if calling this function
repeatedly for evolution of multiple slews, then add IEC later.
return_wfe_amps : bool
Return a dictionary that provides the RMS WFE (nm) of each
component at each time step.
return_dopd_fin : bool
Option to exclude calculating final delta OPD in case we only
want the final RMS WFE dictionary.
Keyword Args
amplitude : float
Full amplitude of IEC arcsine distribution. Values will range
from -0.5*amplitude to +0.5*amplitude.
period : float
Period in minutes of IEC oscillations. Usually 3-5 minutes.
# Indices where slews occur
islew = np.where(slew_angles[1:] - slew_angles[:-1] != 0)[0] + 1
islew = np.concatenate(([0], islew))
# Build delta OPDs for each slew angle
kwargs['case'] = case
kwargs['return_wfe_amps'] = return_wfe_amps
kwargs['return_dopd_fin'] = True
kwargs['do_thermal'] = do_thermal
kwargs['do_frill'] = do_frill
kwargs['do_iec'] = False
for i in islew:
ang1 = slew_angles[0] if i==0 else ang2
ang2 = slew_angles[i]
tvals = delta_time[i:]
tvals = tvals - tvals[0]
res = self.gen_delta_opds(tvals, start_angle=ang1, end_angle=ang2, **kwargs)
if return_wfe_amps:
dopds, wfe_dict = res
dopds = res
# Accumulate delta OPD images
if i==0:
dopds_fin = dopds + 0.0
dopds_fin[i:] += dopds
# Add in drift amplitudes for thermal and frill components
if return_wfe_amps:
if i==0:
wfe_dict_fin = wfe_dict
for k in wfe_dict.keys():
wfe_dict_fin[k][i:] += wfe_dict[k]
del dopds
# Get IEC values
if do_iec:
kwargs['do_thermal'] = False
kwargs['do_frill'] = False
kwargs['do_iec'] = True
res = self.gen_delta_opds(delta_time, **kwargs)
if return_wfe_amps:
dopds, wfe_dict = res
wfe_dict_fin['iec'] = wfe_dict['iec']
dopds = res
# Add IEC OPDs
dopds_fin += dopds
del dopds
# Calculate RMS values on final delta OPDs
if return_wfe_amps:
wfe_dict_fin['total'] = self.calc_rms(dopds_fin)*1e9
if return_wfe_amps and return_dopd_fin:
return dopds_fin, wfe_dict_fin
elif return_dopd_fin:
return dopds_fin
elif return_wfe_amps:
return wfe_dict_fin
[docs] def interp_dopds(self, delta_time, dopds, dt_new, wfe_dict=None, interp_kind='linear', **kwargs):
""" Interpolate an array of delta OPDs
Perform a linear interpolation on a series of delta OPDS.
delta_time : astropy.units quantity object
An array of times assuming astropy units corresponding to each `dopd`.
dopds : ndarray
Array of delta OPD images associated with `delta_time`.
dt_new : astropy.units quantity object
New array to interpolate onto.
Keyword Args
wfe_dict : dict or None
If specified, then must provide a dictionary where the values
for each keywords are the WFE drift components associated with
each `delta_time`. Will then return a dictionary
interp_kind : str or int
Specifies the kind of interpolation as a string
('linear', 'nearest', 'zero', 'slinear', 'quadratic', 'cubic',
'previous', 'next', where 'zero', 'slinear', 'quadratic' and 'cubic'
refer to a spline interpolation of zeroth, first, second or third
order; 'previous' and 'next' simply return the previous or next value
of the point) or as an integer specifying the order of the spline
interpolator to use.
Default is 'linear'.
dt_new_vals = dt_new.to('hour')
# Create interpolation function
dt_vals = delta_time.to('hour')
func = interp1d(dt_vals, dopds, axis=0, kind=interp_kind, bounds_error=True)
opds_new = func(dt_new_vals)
if wfe_dict is not None:
wfe_dict_new = {}
for k in wfe_dict.keys():
vals = wfe_dict[k]
func = interp1d(dt_vals, vals, kind=interp_kind, bounds_error=True)
wfe_dict_new[k] = func(dt_new_vals)
return opds_new, wfe_dict_new
return opds_new
[docs] def slew_pos_averages(self, delta_time, slew_angles, opds=None, wfe_dict=None,
mn_func=np.mean, interpolate=False, **kwargs):
""" Get averages at each slew position
Given a series of times and slew angles, calculate the average OPD and
WFE RMS error within each slew angle position. Returns a tuple with new
arrays of (dt_new, opds_new, wfe_dict_new).
If input both `opds` and `wfe_dict` are not specified, then we call
the `evolve_dopd` function and return .
delta_time : astropy.units quantity object
An array of times assuming astropy units.
slew_angles : ndarray
The sun pitch angles at each `delta_time`, in degrees between -5 and +45.
opds : ndarray or None
Cube of OPD images (or delta OPDs) associated with each `delta_time`.
If set to None, then a new set of OPDs are not calculated.
wfe_dict : dict or None
If specified, then must provide a dictionary where the values
for each keywords are the WFE drift components associated with
each `delta_time`. New set of WFE dictionary is not calculated if set
to None.
mn_func : function
Function to use for taking averages. Default: np.mean()
interpolate : bool
Instead of taking average, use the interpolation function `self.interp_dopds()`.
Keyword Args
case : string
Either "BOL" for current best estimate at beginning of life, or
"EOL" for more conservative prediction at end of life.
do_thermal : bool
Include thermal slew component? Mostly for debugging purposes.
do_frill : bool
Include frill component? Mostly for debugging purposes.
do_iec : bool
Include IEC component? Good to exclude if calling this function
repeatedly for evolution of multiple slews, then add IEC later.
amplitude : float
Full amplitude of IEC arcsine distribution. Values will range
from -0.5*amplitude to +0.5*amplitude.
period : float
Period in minutes of IEC oscillations. Usually 3-5 minutes.
kind : str or int
Specifies the kind of interpolation (if specified) as a string.
Default: 'linear'.
if (opds is None) and (wfe_dict is None):
kwargs['return_wfe_amps'] = True
kwargs['return_dopd_fin'] = True
opds, wfe_dict = self.evolve_dopd(delta_time, slew_angles, **kwargs)
# Indices where slews occur
islew = np.where(slew_angles[1:] - slew_angles[:-1] != 0)[0] + 1
# Start and stop indices for each slew position
i1_arr = np.concatenate(([0], islew))
i2_arr = np.concatenate((islew, [len(slew_angles)]))
# Get average time at each position
dt_new = np.array([mn_func(delta_time[i1:i2].value) for i1, i2 in zip(i1_arr, i2_arr)])
dt_new = dt_new * delta_time.unit
if interpolate:
res = self.interp_dopds(delta_time, opds, dt_new, wfe_dict=wfe_dict, **kwargs)
if wfe_dict is None:
opds_new = res
wfe_dict_new = None
opds_new, wfe_dict_new = res
return dt_new, opds_new, wfe_dict_new
# Averages of OPD at each position
if opds is not None:
opds_new = np.array([mn_func(opds[i1:i2], axis=0) for i1, i2 in zip(i1_arr, i2_arr)])
opds_new = None
# Get average of each WFE drift component
if wfe_dict is not None:
wfe_dict_new = {}
for k in wfe_dict.keys():
wfe_dict_new[k] = np.array([mn_func(wfe_dict[k][i1:i2]) for i1, i2 in zip(i1_arr, i2_arr)])
if opds_new is not None:
wfe_dict_new['total'] = self.calc_rms(opds_new)*1e9
wfe_dict = None
return dt_new, opds_new, wfe_dict_new
[docs] def opds_as_hdul(self, delta_time, slew_angles, delta_opds=None, wfe_dict=None,
case=None, add_main_opd=True, slew_averages=False,
return_ind=None, **kwargs):
"""Convert series of delta OPDS to HDUList"""
if delta_opds is None:
case = 'BOL' if case is None else case
kwargs['case'] = case
kwargs['return_wfe_amps'] = True
kwargs['return_dopd_fin'] = True
delta_opds, wfe_dict = self.evolve_dopd(delta_time, slew_angles, **kwargs)
if slew_averages:
res = self.slew_pos_averages(delta_time, slew_angles, opds=delta_opds,
wfe_dict=wfe_dict, **kwargs)
delta_time, delta_opds, wfe_dict = res
# Indices where slews occur
islew = np.where(slew_angles[1:] - slew_angles[:-1] != 0)[0] + 1
islew = np.concatenate(([0], islew))
slew_angles = slew_angles[islew]
nz, ny, nx = delta_opds.shape
# Indices where slews occur
islew = np.where(slew_angles[1:] - slew_angles[:-1] != 0)[0] + 1
islew = np.concatenate(([0], islew))
hdul = fits.HDUList()
for i in range(nz):
if len(islew) == 1:
#There is no change in slew angle
ang1 = ang2 = slew_angles[0]
elif i<islew[1]:
ang1 = ang2 = slew_angles[i]
if i in islew:
ang1 = slew_angles[i-1]
ang2 = slew_angles[i]
# Skip if only returning a single OPD
if (return_ind is not None) and (i != return_ind):
# Update header
dt = delta_time[i].to(u.day).to_string()
opd_im = self._opd_original + delta_opds[i] if add_main_opd else delta_opds[i]
hdu = fits.ImageHDU(data=opd_im, header=self.opd_header, name=f'OPD{i}')
hdr = hdu.header
hdr['BUNIT'] = 'meter'
hdr['DELTA_T'] = (dt, "Delta time after initial slew [d]")
hdr['STARTANG'] = (ang1, "Starting sun pitch angle [deg]")
hdr['ENDANG'] = (ang2, "Ending sun pitch angle [deg]")
hdr['THRMCASE'] = (case, "Thermal model case, beginning or end of life")
#if add_main_opd:
#hdr['OPDSLICE'] = (self.opd_index, 'OPD slice index')
hdr['WFE_RMS'] = (self.calc_rms(hdu.data)*1e9, "RMS WFE [nm]")
# Include the WFE RMS inputs from each component
if wfe_dict is not None:
for k in wfe_dict.keys():
hdr[k] = (wfe_dict[k][i], f"{k} RMS delta WFE [nm]")
return hdul
[docs]def plot_im(im, fig, ax, vlim=None, add_cbar=True, return_ax=False, extent=None):
Plot single image on some axes
if vlim is None:
vlim = np.max(np.abs(im))
img = ax.imshow(im, cmap='RdBu_r', vmin=-vlim, vmax=vlim, extent=extent)
# Add colorbar
if add_cbar:
cbar = fig.colorbar(img, ax=ax)
cbar.set_label('Amplitude [nm]')
if return_ax and add_cbar:
return ax, cbar
elif return_ax:
return ax
[docs]def plot_opd(hdul, index=1, opd0=None, vlim1=None, vlim2=None):
Plot OPDs images (full and delta)
def calc_rms_nm(im):
ind = (im != 0) & (np.isfinite(im))
rms = np.sqrt((im[ind] ** 2).mean()) * 1e9
return rms
m_to_nm = 1e9
# Define OPD to compare delta OPD image
opd0 = hdul[0].data if opd0 is None else opd0
# Header and data for current image
header = hdul[index].header
opd = hdul[index].data
opd_diff = (opd - opd0)
rms_opd = calc_rms_nm(opd)
rms_diff = calc_rms_nm(opd_diff)
# Time since slew
delta_time = header['DELTA_T']
pupilscale = header['PUPLSCAL']
s = opd.shape
extent = [a * pupilscale for a in [-s[0] / 2, s[0] / 2, -s[1] / 2, s[1] / 2]]
except KeyError:
extent = None
# Create figure
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=(12,5))
ax = axes[0]
vlim = 3*rms_opd if vlim1 is None else vlim1
plot_im(opd * m_to_nm, fig, ax, vlim=vlim, extent=extent)
data_val, data_units = str.split(delta_time)
data_val = np.float(data_val)
if 'h' in data_units:
dt = data_val * u.hr
elif 'm' in data_units:
dt = data_val * u.min
elif 'd' in data_units:
dt = data_val * u.day
# Convert to hours
dt = dt.to('hr')
ax.set_title("Delta Time = {:.1f} (RMS = {:.2f} nm)".format(dt, rms_opd))
ax = axes[1]
vlim = 3*rms_diff if vlim2 is None else vlim2
plot_im(opd_diff * m_to_nm, fig, ax, vlim=vlim, extent=extent)
ax.set_title("Delta OPD = {:.2f} nm RMS".format(rms_diff))