Source code for pancake.engine

The vast majority of functions in this submodule are obsolete owing to
generalisation of PanCAKE simulations into Scenes and a Sequence, alongside
the incorporation of pyKLIP postprocessing (Nov 2021). Nevertheless, for now 
I am leaving things as they are to maintain some level of backwards compatability. 

Functions that are not used in the current version are marked as 'Deprecated'
and may not have particularly detailed docstrings.


from __future__ import absolute_import

from copy import deepcopy
from glob import glob
import json
import multiprocessing as mp
import os
import pkg_resources
import sys
import warnings
import astropy.units as units
import as fits
from poppy import poppy_core

if sys.version_info > (3, 2):
	from functools import lru_cache
	from functools32 import lru_cache

import numpy as np

import pandeia
from pandeia.engine.calc_utils import build_default_calc
from pandeia.engine.instrument_factory import InstrumentFactory
from pandeia.engine.psf_library import PSFLibrary
from pandeia.engine.psf_library import PSFLibrary as PandeiaPSFLibrary
from pandeia.engine.perform_calculation import perform_calculation as pandeia_calculation
from pandeia.engine.observation import Observation
pandeia_seed = Observation.get_random_seed
from pandeia.engine.astro_spectrum import ConvolvedSceneCube
PandeiaConvolvedSceneCube = ConvolvedSceneCube
from pandeia.engine.constants import SPECTRAL_MAX_SAMPLES
from pandeia.engine.etc3D import DetectorSignal
PandeiaDetectorSignal = DetectorSignal

	import webbpsf
except ImportError:

from .pandeia_subclasses import CoronagraphyPSFLibrary, CoronagraphyConvolvedSceneCube, CoronagraphyDetectorSignal
from .config import EngineConfiguration
from . import analysis

# Initialize the engine options
options = EngineConfiguration()

latest_on_the_fly_PSF = None
cache_maxsize = 256     # Number of monochromatic PSFs stored in an LRU cache
						# Should speed up calculations that involve modifying things
						# like exposure time and don't actually require calculating new PSFs.

[docs]def load_calculation(filename): """ Deprecated """ with open(filename) as f: calcfile = json.load(f) return calcfile
[docs]def save_calculation(calcfile,filename): """ Deprecated """ with open(filename, 'w+') as f: json.dump(calcfile, f, indent=2)
[docs]def save_to_fits(array,filename): """ Deprecated """ hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(array) hdulist = fits.HDUList([hdu]) hdulist.writeto(filename)
[docs]def get_options(): ''' This returns the options object, and is used to let the various Pandeia-based subclasses get the options object currently in use. ''' return options
[docs]def calculate_batch(calcfiles,nprocesses=None): """ Deprecated """ if nprocesses is None: nprocesses = mp.cpu_count() pool = mp.Pool(processes = nprocesses) results =, calcfiles) pool.close() pool.join() np.random.seed(None) # reset Pandeia seed return results
[docs]def calculate_all(raw_config): """ Deprecated - Run a pandeia coronagraphy calculation. Output will be - a pandeia report showing the target - a pandeia report showing the reference source - a pandeia report showing the unocculted target (with saturation disabled) In pandeia 1.3, this can be done as a single calculation, with the results obtained from sub-reports. In pandeia 1.2, the sub-reports are not actually returned properly, so the overall calculation needs to be run 3 times. Parameters ---------- raw_config : dict Dictionary compatible with Pandeia calculations Returns ------- output : dict Various products from the pandeia calculation """ output = {'target': {}, 'reference': {}, 'contrast': {}} pandeia_version = pkg_resources.get_distribution('pandeia.engine').version if pandeia_version >= "1.3": result = perform_calculation(deepcopy(raw_config)) output['target'] = result['sub_reports'][0] output['reference'] = result['sub_reports'][1] output['contrast'] = result['sub_reports'][2] else: output['target'] = calculate_target(raw_config) output['reference'] = calculate_reference(raw_config) output['contrast'] = calculate_contrast(raw_config) return output
[docs]def calculate_target(raw_config): """ Run a pandeia coronagraphy calculation in target-only mode Parameters ---------- raw_config : dict Dictionary compatible with Pandeia calculations Returns ------- results : dict Various products from the pandeia calculation """ config = deepcopy(raw_config) config['strategy']['psf_subtraction'] = 'target_only' return perform_calculation(config)
[docs]def calculate_reference(raw_config): """ Deprecated - Run a pandeia coronagraphy calculation in target-only mode, replacing the target scene with the scene stored in the coronagraphy strategy PSF subtraction source. Parameters ---------- raw_config : dict Dictionary compatible with Pandeia calculations Returns ------- results : dict Various products from the pandeia calculation """ config = deepcopy(raw_config) config['strategy']['psf_subtraction'] = 'target_only' config['scene'] = [deepcopy(config['strategy']['psf_subtraction_source'])] return perform_calculation(config)
[docs]def calculate_contrast(raw_config, offset_x=0.5, offset_y=0.5): """ Deprecated - Run a pandeia coronagraphy calculation in target-only mode, with the target offset to be unocculted, and with saturation disabled. """ from .scene import offset_scene config = deepcopy(raw_config) config['strategy']['psf_subtraction'] = 'target_only' saturation_value = options.effects['saturation'] options.set_saturation(False) offset_scene(config['scene'], offset_x, offset_y) contrast_result = perform_calculation(config) options.set_saturation(saturation_value) return contrast_result
[docs]def perform_calculation(calcfile): ''' Manually decorate pandeia.engine.perform_calculation to circumvent pandeia's tendency to modify the calcfile during the calculation. Updates to the saturation computation could go here as well. Parameters ---------- calcfile : dict Dictionary compatible with Pandeia calculations Returns ------- results : dict Various products from the pandeia calculation ''' existing_psf_library = pandeia.engine.psf_library.PSFLibrary existing_scene_cube = pandeia.engine.astro_spectrum.ConvolvedSceneCube existing_detector_signal = pandeia.engine.etc3D.DetectorSignal if options.on_the_fly_PSFs: pandeia.engine.psf_library.PSFLibrary = CoronagraphyPSFLibrary pandeia.engine.instrument.PSFLibrary = CoronagraphyPSFLibrary pandeia.engine.astro_spectrum.ConvolvedSceneCube = CoronagraphyConvolvedSceneCube pandeia.engine.etc3D.DetectorSignal = CoronagraphyDetectorSignal else: pandeia.engine.psf_library.PSFLibrary = PandeiaPSFLibrary pandeia.engine.instrument.PSFLibrary = PandeiaPSFLibrary pandeia.engine.astro_spectrum.ConvolvedSceneCube = PandeiaConvolvedSceneCube pandeia.engine.etc3D.DetectorSignal = PandeiaDetectorSignal if options.pandeia_fixed_seed: pandeia.engine.observation.Observation.get_random_seed = pandeia_seed else: pandeia.engine.observation.Observation.get_random_seed = random_seed config = deepcopy(calcfile) config['calculation']['noise'] = options.noise config['calculation']['effects'] = options.effects options.current_config = deepcopy(config) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category = np.VisibleDeprecationWarning) # Suppress float-indexing warnings results = pandeia_calculation(config) # Reset the fixed seed state set by the pandeia engine # to avoid unexpected results elsewhere np.random.seed(None) # Reset (potentially) overridden functions pandeia.engine.psf_library.PSFLibrary = existing_psf_library pandeia.engine.instrument.PSFLibrary = existing_psf_library pandeia.engine.astro_spectrum.ConvolvedSceneCube = existing_scene_cube pandeia.engine.etc3D.DetectorSignal = existing_detector_signal return results
[docs]def random_seed(self): ''' Deprecated The pandeia engine sets a fixed seed of 42. Circumvent that here. ''' #np.random.seed(None) # Reset the seed if already set #return np.random.randint(0, 2**32 - 1) # Find a new one return None
[docs]def process_config(raw_config, target_scene, reference_scene): ''' Deprecated Process a variable that might be a file name, full JWST configuration dictionary, or instrument configuration dictionary, along with optional target and reference scenes. ''' if isinstance(raw_config, str): # A JSON file. In this case, it should be a full pandeia config dictionary if os.path.isfile(raw_config): config = load_calculation(raw_config) else: error_str = "Error: File {} not found".format(configuration_dict_or_filename) raise FileNotFoundError(error_str) elif isinstance(raw_config, dict) and "configuration" in raw_config: # It's a dictionary. It contains a "configuration" key. Assume full pandeia dictionary. config = deepcopy(raw_config) elif isinstance(raw_config, dict): instrument = raw_config["instrument"]["instrument"] config = build_default_calc(jwst, instrument, "coronagraphy") config['configuration']["instrument"] = deepcopy(raw_config) if target_scene is None: print("Warning: input configuration had no scene info, and no separate target scene was provided. Using default coronagraphy target scene.") else: error_str = "Invalid input {}".format(configuration_dict_or_filename) raise ValueError(error_str) if target_scene is not None: if isinstance(target_scene, list): config['scene'] = deepcopy(target_scene) else: config['scene'] = [deepcopy(target_scene)] if reference_scene is not None: if isinstance(reference_scene, list): config['strategy']['psf_subtraction_source'] = deepcopy(reference_scene[0]) else: config['strategy']['psf_subtraction_source'] = deepcopy(reference_scene) return config
[docs]def calculate_subtracted(raw_config, target=None, reference=None, ta_error=False, sgd=False, stepsize=20.e-3): ''' Deprecated This is a function to calculate subtracted images with an optional reference image small-grid dither (SGD). It does the following... - Create a pandeia configuration file from which to build the target and reference scenes - [optional] construct SGD - observe target scene - for each reference observation - observe reference scene - centre reference to targets - create klip PSF - subtract klip PSF from target image - return subtracted image It will return - target image - list of reference images - artificial PSF - subtracted image Parameters ---------- raw_config: string or dict One of: - file name of pandeia JSON file describing an observation - pandeia configuration dictionary - pandeia instrument configuration from configuration dictionary (i.e. config['configuration']['instrument']) target_scene: list of dict (or dict), default None List of Pandeia-style scene dictionaries describing the target. If not present, then the target scene from raw_config will be used. reference_scene: list of dict (or dict), default None List of Pandeia-style scene dictionaries describing the reference source. If not present, then the reference scene from raw_config will be used. If a list, only the first element will be used (i.e. the reference source will be assumed to be a single element) ta_error: bool, default False Whether to add target acquisition error offsets to the target and reference scenes. sgd: bool, default False Whether to create a small-grid dither (SGD) for the reference scene. stepsize: float, default 0.02 Size of the offsets in the SGD (if present), in arcseconds. Returns ------- target: numpy array containing <iterations> detector slopes of the target references: list of numpy arrays containing <iterations> detector slopes of the reference psf: artificial PSF created with klip subtracted: numpy array containing <iterations> reference-subtracted target images ''' from .scene import create_SGD, get_ta_error, offset_scene from .analysis import klip_projection, register_to_target config = process_config(raw_config, target, reference) if ta_error: # add a unique TA error for the target errx, erry = get_ta_error() offset_scene(config['scene'], errx, erry) if sgd: sgds = create_SGD(ta_error, stepsize=stepsize) else: sgds = create_SGD(ta_error, stepsize=stepsize, pattern_name="SINGLE-POINT") first_config = deepcopy(config) offset_scene([first_config['strategy']['psf_subtraction_source']], *sgds[0]) first_result = calculate_all(config) target_slope = first_result['target']['2d']['detector'] sgd_results = [first_result['reference']] for sgd in sgds[1:]: sgd_config = deepcopy(config) offset_scene([sgd_config['strategy']['psf_subtraction_source']], *sgd) sgd_results.append(calculate_reference(sgd_config)) sgd_reg = [] sgd_slopes = [] for r in sgd_results: slope = r['2d']['detector'] sgd_slopes.append(slope) mask = np.where(np.isnan(slope), 1., 0.) reg = register_to_target(slope, target_slope, mask=mask, rescale_reference=True) sgd_reg.append(reg) sgd_reg = np.array(sgd_reg) centered_target = target_slope - np.nanmean(target_slope) artificialPSF = klip_projection(centered_target,sgd_reg) sgd_sub = centered_target - artificialPSF output = { 'target': target_slope, 'references': sgd_slopes, 'psf': artificialPSF, 'subtracted': sgd_sub } return output
[docs]def calculate_contrast_curve(raw_config, target=None, reference=None, ta_error=True, iterations=5, keep_options=False): ''' Deprecated This is a replacement for the Pandeia calculate_contrast function. It is designed to use the various internal analysis functions to do the following... - Load one of the pandeia_coronagraphy custom templates - Repeat <iterations> times - Run through pandeia with the target scene in place of the default scene - Run through pandeia with the reference scene in place of the default scene - Run through pandeia with the off-axis target - Generate an aperture image - Run the analysis contrast utility method It will return - list of target images - list of reference images - off-axis image - list of subtracted images - normalized contrast profile (with reference bins) Parameters ---------- raw_config: string or dict One of: - file name of pandeia JSON file describing an observation - pandeia configuration dictionary - pandeia instrument configuration from configuration dictionary (i.e. config['configuration']['instrument']) target: list of dict (or dict), default None List of Pandeia-style scene dictionaries describing the target. If not present, then the target scene from raw_config will be used. reference: list of dict (or dict), default None List of Pandeia-style scene dictionaries describing the reference source. If not present, then the reference scene from raw_config will be used. If a list, only the first element will be used (i.e. the reference source will be assumed to be a single element) ta_error: bool, default False Whether to add target acquisition error offsets to the target and reference scenes. iterations: int, default=1 Number of times to iterate generating TA errors and observing the target and reference source Returns ------- targets: list of numpy arrays containing <iterations> detector slopes of the target references: list of numpy arrays containing <iterations> detector slopes of the reference unocculted: numpy array of the detector slopes of the unocculted source subtractions: list of numpy arrays containing <iterations> reference-subtracted target images contrast: list of numpy arrays containing: bins: bins used for the normalized contrast profile contrast: normalized contrast profile ''' from .scene import get_ta_error, offset_scene from skimage import draw from scipy.ndimage import convolve capitalized_instruments = { "miri": 'MIRI', "nircam_sw": 'NIRCam', "nircam_lw": 'NIRCam', "nircam": "NIRCam" } config = process_config(raw_config, target, reference) # Save existing options saved_options = options.current_options if not keep_options: options.on_the_fly_PSFs = True options.wave_sampling = 6 target_slopes = [] reference_slopes = [] offaxis_slopes = [] print("Starting Iteration") for n in range(iterations): if options.verbose: print("Iteration {} of {}".format(n+1, iterations)) current_config = deepcopy(config) if ta_error: # Add unique target acq error to the target offset_scene(current_config['scene'], *get_ta_error() ) # Add unique target acq error to the reference offset_scene([current_config['strategy']['psf_subtraction_source']], *get_ta_error()) # Adopt a new realization of the WFE. # Note that we're using the same WFE for target and reference here. # if not keep_options: # ins = config['configuration']['instrument']['instrument'].lower() # ote_name = 'OPD_RevW_ote_for_{}_predicted.fits.gz'.format(capitalized_instruments[ins]) # options.on_the_fly_webbpsf_opd = (ote_name, n) # Calculate target and reference results = calculate_all(current_config) target_slopes.append(results['target']['2d']['detector']) reference_slopes.append(results['reference']['2d']['detector']) offaxis_slopes.append(results['contrast']['2d']['detector']) print("Finished iteration {} of {}".format(n+1, iterations)) print("Creating Unocculted Image") offaxis = deepcopy(config) offset_scene(offaxis['scene'], 0.5, 0.5) #arsec options.set_saturation(False) offaxis_result = calculate_target(offaxis) offaxis_slope = offaxis_result['2d']['detector'] # Restore original option configuration options.current_options = saved_options print("Creating Subtraction Stack") subtraction_stack = np.zeros((iterations,) + target_slopes[0].shape) for i, (targ, ref) in enumerate(zip(target_slopes, reference_slopes)): aligned_ref = analysis.register_to_target(ref, targ) # Aligned, scaled, mean-centered reference subtraction_stack[i] = targ - np.nanmean(targ) - aligned_ref # Mean-center target and subtract reference print("Creating Covariance Matrix") cov_matrix = analysis.covariance_matrix(subtraction_stack) print("Creating Aperture Image") image_dim = subtraction_stack[0].shape radius = 5 aperture_image = np.zeros(image_dim) aperture_image[[0] - 1) // 2, (image_dim[1] - 1) // 2, radius)] = 1 print("Computing Aperture Matrix") aperture_matrix = analysis.aperture_matrix(aperture_image) print("Computing Noise Map") noise_map = analysis.noise_map(cov_matrix, aperture_matrix, image_dim) print("Convolving off-axis image") convolved_offaxis = convolve(offaxis_slope, aperture_image, mode='constant') normalization = convolved_offaxis.max() print("Creating Radial Profile") bins, profile = analysis.radial_profile(noise_map) normalized_profile = profile / normalization output = { 'targets': target_slopes, 'references': reference_slopes, 'unocculted': offaxis_slopes[0], 'subtractions': subtraction_stack, 'covariance_matrix': cov_matrix, 'aperture_image': aperture_image, 'aperture_matrix': aperture_matrix, 'noise_map': noise_map, 'convolved_unocculted': convolved_offaxis, 'normalization': normalization, 'contrast': { 'bins': bins, 'profile': profile, 'normalized_profile': normalized_profile } } return output
# def get_template(filename): # ''' Look up a template filename. # Parameters # ---------- # filename : str # Path the template file # ''' # return pkg_resources.resource_filename(templates.__name__,filename) # def list_templates(): # ''' # List all bundled template calculation files. # ''' # templatewildcard = pkg_resources.resource_filename(templates.__name__, '*.json') # return [os.path.basename(fname) for fname in glob(templatewildcard)]