Source code for pancake.analysis

import os
import warnings
import re
import numpy as np
import scipy 
from import fits
from astropy.table import Table
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d, interp2d
from scipy.stats import t
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from copy import deepcopy
from functools import partial
import json
import traceback

from .io import read_coronagraph_transmission, determine_bar_offset
import pyklip.klip 
import pyklip.instruments.Instrument as Instrument
import pyklip.parallelized as parallelized
import pyklip.rdi as rdi
import pyklip.fakes as fakes

# Getting erros when trying to use multiprocessing with pyKLIP
# Disable using the below
parallelized.debug = True

# Many functions in this file are heavily inspired by and adapted from the work of Jea Adams on ExoPix.

warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning)
[docs]def enable_runtime_warnings(state): """ Function to toggle on/off RuntimeWarning's. Many of these do not impact the functionality of the code and therefore can be safely ignored for the vast majority of user cases. As a result, this function is immediately called a few lines above. Parameters ---------- state : bool Whether the RuntimeWarning's should be enabled (True), or disabled ( False). """ if state==True: warnings.simplefilter('always', RuntimeWarning) elif state==False: warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning) else: raise ValueError('Runtime Warnings can only be enabled/disabled with a boolean True/False input.')
[docs]def transmission_corrected(input_stamp, input_dx, input_dy, filt, mask, mode='multiply'): """ Function to apply a 2-dimensional JWST coronagraphic transmission map to an input image. Parameters ---------- input_stamp : 2D ndarray Input image, should have dimensions equal to or smaller than the array for the coronagraphic transmission map. input_dx : 2D ndarray Array of X pixel offsets for each element in the array relative to the central pixel of the simulation. input_dy : 2D ndarray Array of Y pixel offsets for each element in the array relative to the central pixel of the simulation. filt : str JWST filter string, used to obtain offsets for the NIRCam bar masks. mask : str JWST coronagraphic mask string, used to identify which transmission map to apply. mode : str Whether to 'multiply' or 'divide' the input stamp by the transmission map. Returns ------- output_stamp : 2D ndarray Equivalent to the input_stamp following the application of the transmission map. """ ##### Get the x- and y- dimension for the input image input_x, input_y = input_stamp.shape ##### Read in the transmission array for the mask we are using transmission = read_coronagraph_transmission(mask) ##### If we are using a NIRCam bar mask, the center of the input images will correspond to different ##### locations in the transmission map dependent on the filter used. #### NOTE: AS OF 14/06/2021, these offsets are not always correct. if mask == 'MASKSWB': xoff = determine_bar_offset(filt) / 0.0311 #Make sure to convert from arcsec to pixels yoff = 0 elif mask == 'MASKLWB': #Important to adjust the sign for the LWB as things are reversed in Pandeia xoff = -determine_bar_offset(filt) / 0.063 #Make sure to convert from arcsec to pixels yoff = 0 else: xoff, yoff = 0, 0 ##### Now need to get the portion of the transmission map that corresponds to the input stamp image. trans_y, trans_x = transmission.shape trans_dx = np.arange(-(trans_x-1)/2, (trans_x)/2) trans_dy = np.arange(-(trans_y-1)/2, (trans_y)/2) #Create interpolation for the tranmission map we are using trans_interp = interp2d(trans_dx, trans_dy, transmission, kind='cubic') #Use the interpolation to identify the transmission at each pixel in the input image. transmission_stamp = trans_interp(input_dx[0] + xoff, input_dy.transpose()[0]+ yoff) ##### Apply the transmission, dependent on which mode has been selected if mode == 'multiply': output_stamp = input_stamp * transmission_stamp elif mode == 'divide': output_stamp = input_stamp / transmission_stamp return output_stamp
[docs]def identify_primary_sources(pancake_results, target, references=None, target_primary_source='default', reference_primary_sources='default'): """ Function to identify, or assume, the primary sources (i.e. central 'stars') of output PanCAKE simulation results. Parameters ---------- pancake_results : HDUList Simulated results as returned by pancake.sequence.Sequence().run() target : str The provided string name for the target scene in the observation sequence. references : str / list of strings / NoneType The provided string name(s) for the reference scene(s) in the observations sequence, if any. target_primary_source : str Desired primary source to use for the target scene, or 'default' to assume primary source. reference_primary_sources : str / list of strings Desired primary source(s) to use for the reference scene(s), or 'default' to assume primary source(s). Returns ------- primary_sources : list of strings List of the primary source(s), where the source in the '0' index always corresponds to the target scene. """ #Get all of the observations names for this simulation obs_names = [pancake_results[i].header['EXTNAME'] for i in range(1,len(pancake_results))] scene_names = list(dict.fromkeys([i.split('_')[0].split(':')[-1] for i in obs_names])) # If references is None, just set references to an empty array if references == None: references = [] # Initialise array primary_sources = [] for scene in [target]+references: # Grab only the observations of this scene match_obs = [i for i in obs_names if ':'+scene+'_' in i] if not match_obs: #There were no matches to the input target/reference string raise ValueError("Unable to find specified scene '{}' within simulated results. Possible scenes include: {}".format(scene, ', '.join(scene_names))) # If error is not raised, we have a match for this scene. # Doesn't really matter which precise observation we use, so just use the first one. example_header = pancake_results[match_obs[0]].header num_sources = example_header['NSOURCES'] all_sources = [example_header['SOURCE{}'.format(i+1)] for i in range(num_sources)] if scene == target and target_primary_source != 'default': # We need to use the user provided target primary source if not target_primary_source in all_sources: raise ValueError("Specified source '{}' for target scene '{}' not found. Available sources are: {}".format(target_primary_source, target, ', '.join(all_sources))) else: primary_source = target_primary_source elif scene in references and reference_primary_sources != 'default': # We need to use the user provided reference primary source ref_source = reference_primary_sources[references.index(scene)] if not ref_source in all_sources: raise ValueError("Specified source '{}' for reference scene '{}' not found. Available sources are: {}".format(target_primary_source, target, ', '.join(all_sources))) else: primary_source = ref_source else: # We choose a default primary source of 'SOURCE1' primary_source = example_header['SOURCE1'] if num_sources != 1: # Warn the user which source we picked. print('WARNING: Assuming primary source "{}" for scene "{}"'.format(primary_source, scene)) #Append primary source to array. Eventual order will be the target primary, then the reference primaries in the order they were provided. primary_sources.append(primary_source) return primary_sources
[docs]def extract_simulated_images(pancake_results, observations, primary_sources, all_rolls, references=None, extract_offaxis=False, filename_prefix='image', low_pass=False, regis_err='saved'): """ Function to extract a subset of simulated images from the output of a PanCAKE simulation into a more flexible format. Parameters ---------- pancake_results : HDUList Simulated results as returned by pancake.sequence.Sequence().run() observations : list of strings List of observation strings that correspond to extension names in the pancake_results HDUList primary_sources : list of strings List of the primary source(s) as obtained by identify_primary_sources all_rolls : list of ints / floats Which PA roll images to be extracted references : str / list of strings / NoneType The provided string name(s) for the reference scene(s) in the observations sequence, if any. Can not be used in conjunction with retrieving simulated target images. extract_offaxis : bool Boolean choice of whether to extract offaxis images or not filename_prefix : str Simple prefix string used to assign a unique name to each simulated image. regis_err : str Error when registering the unsubtracted images to a common center Returns ------- extracted : dict Dictionary containing all requested images, their roll angles, center points, assigned filenames, and if requested, a 20x20 pixel offaxis PSF stamp image and its peak flux. """ ##### Create placeholder variables to append to / adjust later. images, pas, centers, filenames = [], [], [], [] offaxis_image = np.array([]) offaxis_psf_stamp, offaxis_peak_flux = None, None ##### Loop over the requested observations. for i, obs in enumerate(observations): #Extract data and header informatino data = pancake_results[obs].data head = pancake_results[obs].header rollang = head['ROLLANG'] # PA roll angle pixel_scale = head['PIXSCALE'] # Pixel scale for this observations filt = obs.split('_')[-1] wavelength = float(re.findall('\\d+', filt)[0]) / 1e8 lambda_d_arcsec = (wavelength / 6.5) * (180 / np.pi) * 3600 lambda_d_pixel = lambda_d_arcsec / pixel_scale source_keys = ['SOURCE{}'.format(j+1) for j in range(head['NSOURCES'])] sources = [head[key] for key in source_keys] # Names of the sources in this observation. if references == None: # This extraction is for target observations. primary_source_id = source_keys[sources.index(primary_sources[0])][-1] rolls = all_rolls else: # This extraction is for multiple different reference observations, need to change properties based on specific obs ref_scene_index = references.index(obs.split('_')[0].split(':')[-1]) primary_source_id = source_keys[sources.index(primary_sources[1+ref_scene_index])][-1] rolls = all_rolls[ref_scene_index] # Just get the rolls for this particular scene. if regis_err == 'saved': rngx = np.random.RandomState(2005) rngy = np.random.RandomState(2810) # Loop over the PA rolls requested. if rollang in rolls: # Loop over each simulated image for this observation. for j, image in enumerate(data): if j != len(data)-1: #Final index is for offaxis images, all indexes before this are what we're interested in. # Grab X and Y offsets of the primary source. # NOTE: Y offset must have its sign reversed due to differences between Pandeia scene construction and analysis of the image arrays. This has been checked! xoff = head['S{}XOFF{}'.format(primary_source_id, j+1)] / pixel_scale yoff = -head['S{}YOFF{}'.format(primary_source_id, j+1)] / pixel_scale raw_centers = np.array([image.shape[1]-1, image.shape[0]-1]) / 2.0 # In reality, we can't measure the centers perfectly. So let's add a small error # to the centers with values based on comparisons with on sky data (or other options) if regis_err == 'default': if wavelength < 4e-6: meas_xoff, meas_yoff = np.random.normal(loc=0.,scale=1e-3,size=2) elif wavelength < 5e-6: meas_xoff, meas_yoff = np.random.normal(loc=0.,scale=1.5e-3,size=2) elif wavelength < 12e-6: meas_xoff, meas_yoff = np.random.normal(loc=0.,scale=1e-3,size=2) else: meas_xoff, meas_yoff = np.random.normal(loc=0.,scale=5e-3,size=2) elif regis_err == 'zero': meas_xoff, meas_yoff = 0, 0 elif regis_err == 'saved': if wavelength < 4e-6: meas_xoff = rngx.normal(loc=0.,scale=1e-3,size=100)[j] meas_yoff = rngy.normal(loc=0.,scale=1e-3,size=100)[j] elif wavelength < 5e-6: meas_xoff = rngx.normal(loc=0.,scale=1.5e-3,size=100)[j] meas_yoff = rngy.normal(loc=0.,scale=1.5e-3,size=100)[j] elif wavelength < 12e-6: meas_xoff = rngx.normal(loc=0.,scale=1e-3,size=100)[j] meas_yoff = rngy.normal(loc=0.,scale=1e-3,size=100)[j] else: meas_xoff = rngx.normal(loc=0.,scale=5e-3,size=100)[j] meas_yoff = rngy.normal(loc=0.,scale=5e-3,size=100)[j] else: raise ValueError('Provided registration error "{}" not recognised. Options are "default", "saved", "zero"') # Scale by pixel scale xoff += meas_xoff / pixel_scale yoff += meas_yoff / pixel_scale # Append calculated values. images.append(image) pas.append(rollang) centers.append([raw_centers[0]+xoff, raw_centers[1]+yoff]) filenames.append(filename_prefix+'{}_{}'.format(i,j)) else: #This is an unocculted off axis image. if extract_offaxis == True and offaxis_image.size == 0: #Doesn't matter too much which specific image we use, just need an example. # NOTE: Y offset must have its sign reversed due to differences between Pandeia scene construction and analysis of the image arrays offaxis_image = image offaxis_xoff = head['S{}OFFAX'.format(primary_source_id)]/pixel_scale offaxis_yoff = -head['S{}OFFAY'.format(primary_source_id)]/pixel_scale offaxis_target_center = [raw_centers[0]+offaxis_xoff, raw_centers[1]+offaxis_yoff] # Fit a 2D Gaussian to our offaxis source. if low_pass != False: offaxis_image_smooth = pyklip.klip.nan_gaussian_filter(offaxis_image, lambda_d_pixel/2.355) else: offaxis_image_smooth = offaxis_image offaxis_bestfit = fakes.gaussfit2d(offaxis_image_smooth, offaxis_target_center[0], offaxis_target_center[1], searchrad=4, guessfwhm=lambda_d_pixel, guesspeak=np.max(offaxis_image_smooth), refinefit=True) # Identify the peak flux and centroid of the Gaussian fit offaxis_peak_flux = offaxis_bestfit[0] offaxis_psf_xcen, offaxis_psf_ycen = offaxis_bestfit[2:4] # Extract a 20x20 pixel PSF stamp image using the x and y centroid. x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(-20, 20.1, 1), np.arange(-20, 20.1, 1)) #Choice of 20x20 pixels as it encapsulates the bulk of the PSF x += offaxis_psf_xcen y += offaxis_psf_ycen offaxis_psf_stamp = scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates(offaxis_image, [y, x]) ##### Return a dictionary of the extracted images, their pas, centers, filenames, and some offaxis PSF information. extracted = {'images':np.array(images), 'pas':np.array(pas), 'centers':np.array(centers), 'filenames':filenames, 'offaxis_psf_stamp':offaxis_psf_stamp, 'offaxis_peak_flux':offaxis_peak_flux} return extracted
[docs]def process_simulations(pancake_results, target, target_obs, filt, mask, primary_sources, references=None, reference_obs=None, target_rolls='default', reference_rolls='default', subtraction='ADI', low_pass=False, regis_err='saved'): """ Function to process a set of desired simulated images from PanCAKE and convert them into pyKLIP datasets to enable easier stellar PSF subtraction and contrast curve estimation. Parameters ---------- pancake_results : HDUList Simulated results as returned by pancake.sequence.Sequence().run() target : string The provided string name for the target scene in the observation sequence target_obs : list of stings List of target observation strings that correspond to extension names in the pancake_results HDUList filt : string JWST filter string mask : string JWST coronagraphic mask string primary_sources : list of strings List of the primary source(s) as obtained by identify_primary_sources references : list of strings The provided string name(s) for the reference scene(s) in the observations sequence, if any. reference_obs : list of strings List of target observation strings that correspond to extension names in the pancake_results HDUList, if any. target_rolls : list of ints / floats Which target PA roll images to use. Alternatively, 'default' to use all of them for ADI modes, or roll=0 for RDI. reference_rolls : list of ints / floats Which reference PA roll images to use. Alternatively, 'default' to use all of them for ADI modes, or roll=0 for RDI. subtraction : str pyKLIP compatible subtraction string, available options are 'ADI', 'RDI', or 'ADI+RDI' regis_err : str Error when registering the unsubtracted images to a common center Returns ------- processed_output : dict Dictionary output containing pyKLIP datasets for the target and PSF library (if necessary), in addition to some information on the offaxis simulation for normalisation / planet injection purposes. """ ###### Get all of the observations names for this simulation obs_names = [pancake_results[i].header['EXTNAME'] for i in range(1,len(pancake_results))] ##### Get the names for the target observations, and if necessary, get the reference observations too if not target_obs: raise ValueError("Unable to find specified target/filter/mask observation '{}/{}/{}' within simulated results. Possible observations include: {}".format(target, filt, mask, ', '.join(obs_names))) if references != None: reference_obs = [j for j in obs_names if any(ref in j for ref in references) and filt in j and mask in j] if not reference_obs: raise ValueError("Unable to find any reference/filter/mask observations of '{}/{}/{}' within simulated results. Possible observations include: {}".format("/{}/{}', '".format(filt, mask).join(references), filt, mask, ', '.join(obs_names))) ##### Identify roll angles for the target and extract the data targ_available_rolls = list(dict.fromkeys([pancake_results[tob].header['ROLLANG'] for tob in target_obs])) if (target_rolls == 'default' and 'ADI' in subtraction) or target_rolls == 'all': # Default for the ADI scenario is to use all available rolls target_rolls = targ_available_rolls elif target_rolls == 'default' and 'ADI' not in subtraction: # Default for a non-ADI scenario is to use just the roll closest to 0 degrees target_rolls = [min([abs(j) for j in targ_available_rolls])] if len(targ_available_rolls) > 1: print('WARNING: No ADI requested, using the Roll={} simulation(s) for {}/{}/{}'.format(target_rolls[0], target, filt, mask)) print('-------- Additional rolls can be included using the "target_rolls" parameter/ ') else: # User has specifically provide the rolls to use, check they exist. for roll in target_rolls: if roll not in targ_available_rolls: raise ValueError("Unable to find any target observations at roll angle '{}' within simulated results. Possible roll angles include: {}".format(roll, ', '.join([str(t) for t in targ_available_rolls]))) ##### Need to access the saved simulation files and extract the necessary target data. target_extracted = extract_simulated_images(pancake_results, target_obs, primary_sources, target_rolls, extract_offaxis=True, filename_prefix='target', low_pass=low_pass, regis_err=regis_err) ##### If we are doing RDI at any point, also need to select the RDI rolls and extract the reference images. if 'RDI' in subtraction: all_ref_available_rolls = [] # Predefine an error message roll_err_mess = "Unable to find any reference observations at roll angle '{}' for Scene '{}' within simulated results. Possible roll angles include: {}" # Loop over input reference scenes for reference in references: ref_available_rolls = list(dict.fromkeys([pancake_results[rob].header['ROLLANG'] for rob in reference_obs if ':'+reference+'_' in rob])) if reference_rolls in ['default', 'all']: #We will use all the available rolls all_ref_available_rolls.append(ref_available_rolls) elif isinstance(reference_rolls, (int, float)): roll = reference_rolls #There is only a single roll value provided, use if possible. if roll not in ref_available_rolls: raise ValueError(roll_err_mess.format(roll, reference, ', '.join([str(r) for r in ref_available_rolls]))) all_ref_available_rolls.append([roll]) elif isinstance(reference_rolls, list): #We have a list of rolls if not isinstance(reference_rolls[0], list): #Only one set of values, not nested lists, use for each reference if possible. for roll in reference_rolls: if roll not in ref_available_rolls: raise ValueError(roll_err_mess.format(roll, reference, ', '.join([str(r) for r in ref_available_rolls]))) all_ref_available_rolls.append(reference_rolls) elif len(reference_rolls) == len(references) and isinstance(reference_rolls[0], list): # We have a list of lists for each individual reference, use only the index corresponding to the individual reference. rolls = reference_rolls[references.index(reference)] for roll in rolls: if roll not in ref_available_rolls: raise ValueError(roll_err_mess.format(roll, reference, ', '.join([str(r) for r in ref_available_rolls]))) all_ref_available_rolls.append(rolls) else: raise ValueError("Invalid format of reference rolls provided. Reference rolls must be provided either as an integer/float, a list of integer/floats, or a list of lists of integer/floats of equal length to the provided references.") ##### Now, access the saved simulation files and extract the necessary reference data. ref_extracted = extract_simulated_images(pancake_results, reference_obs, primary_sources, all_ref_available_rolls, references=references, filename_prefix='reference', low_pass=low_pass, regis_err=regis_err) ##### Determine the 1 lambda / D inner working angle for this filter, and outer working angle based on image size pixel_scale = pancake_results[target_obs[0]].header['PIXSCALE'] wavelength = float(re.findall('\\d+', filt)[0]) / 1e8 lambda_d_arcsec = (wavelength / 6.5) * (180 / np.pi) * 3600 lambda_d_pixel = lambda_d_arcsec / pixel_scale inner_working_angle = 0 #.5*lambda_d_pixel outer_working_angle = int(np.sqrt(2*(target_extracted['images'][0].shape[0]/2)**2)) #Go right to the corners # Need to realign images based on the shifts image_center = np.array([target_extracted['images'][0].shape[1]-1, target_extracted['images'][0].shape[0]-1])/2. data = deepcopy(target_extracted['images']) centers = deepcopy(target_extracted['centers']) for i, image in enumerate(data): recentered_image = pyklip.klip.align_and_scale(image, new_center=image_center, old_center=centers[i]) centers[i] = image_center data[i] = recentered_image ##### Create the KLIP target dataset target_dataset = Instrument.GenericData(data, centers, IWA=inner_working_angle, parangs=target_extracted['pas'], filenames=target_extracted['filenames']) target_dataset.OWA = outer_working_angle ##### Create the KLIP PSF library if necessary if 'RDI' in subtraction: psflib_data = np.append(ref_extracted['images'], target_extracted['images'], axis=0) psflib_filenames = np.append(ref_extracted['filenames'], target_extracted['filenames'], axis=0) psflib_centers = np.append(ref_extracted['centers'], target_extracted['centers'], axis=0) image_center = np.array([psflib_data[0].shape[1]-1, psflib_data[0].shape[0]-1])/2. #Need to align the images so that they have the same centers. for j, image in enumerate(psflib_data): recentered_image = pyklip.klip.align_and_scale(image, new_center=image_center, old_center=psflib_centers[j]) psflib_data[j] = recentered_image psflib = rdi.PSFLibrary(psflib_data, image_center, psflib_filenames, compute_correlation=True) # Preparing of the PSF library can raise a future warning, ignore it to keep terminal clean. with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', FutureWarning) psflib.prepare_library(target_dataset) else: # Return PSF library as NoneType if we aren't using a subtraction with RDI psflib = None ##### Save the everything to a dictionary for easy access processed_output = {} processed_output['target_dataset'] = target_dataset processed_output['psflib'] = psflib processed_output['offaxis_psf_stamp'] = target_extracted['offaxis_psf_stamp'] processed_output['offaxis_peak_flux'] = target_extracted['offaxis_peak_flux'] return processed_output
[docs]def mask_companions(image_array, companion_xy, mask_radius=7): ''' Function apply NaN masks to a number of images at the location of known companion objects. Parameters ---------- image_array : 3D ndarray Numpy array of input images companion_xy : iterator of tuples zip() tuples, with each containing the companion x and y *pixel* locations. mask_radius : float The desired mask radius in pixels. Returns ------- masked_images : 3D ndarray Numpy array of output, companion masked images. ''' # Create an array to allocate the output images to. masked_images = np.empty_like(image_array) # Loop over images for i, im in enumerate(image_array): # Create an index array ydat, xdat = np.indices(im.shape) # Loop over companions, masking all pixels within a radius of the PSF FWHM for xy in companion_xy: distance_from_center = np.sqrt((xdat-xy[0])**2 + (ydat-xy[1])**2) comp_nan_mask = np.where(distance_from_center <= mask_radius) im[comp_nan_mask] = np.nan masked_images[i] = im return masked_images
[docs]def get_companion_mask(companion_xy, mask_dataset, mask_psflib, offaxis_psf_stamp, center=[0,0], filt='f444w', mask='mask335r', annuli=1, subsections=1, numbasis=25, movement=1, subtraction='ADI', outputdir='./RESULTS/'): ''' Function to create a mask that can be applied to an image in order to "block" any pixels that correspond to the emitted flux of a companion object. In essence, the function uses an offaxis PSF to inject companions into the image, on top of where they already exist, except at a *very* high flux. This image can then be processed via KLIP to identify the pixels in the resultant subtracted image which are most impacted by the presence of the companion object, and assign them to be masked. This offers significant improvements over a simplistic circular mask due to the lobes of the JWST PSF, particularly for the NIRCam filters, whilst still being relatively quick to compute. Parameters ---------- companion_xy : iterator of tuples zip() tuples, with each containing any companion x and y *pixel* locations. mask_dataset : pyKLIP Dataset Dataset to use to estimate the a companion mask mask_psflib : pyKLIP PSFLibrary Dataset to use for RDI subtractions offaxis_psf_stamp : 2D ndarray Stamp image of an offaxis (i.e. not underneath the coronagraph) PSF center : list List of x and y centers filt : str JWST filter string mask : str JWST coronagraphic mask string annuli : int pyKLIP argument - Annuli to use for KLIP. Can be a number, or a list of 2-element tuples (a, b) specifying the pixel boundaries (a <= r < b) for each annulus subsections : int pyKLIP argument - Sections to break each annuli into. Can be a number [integer], or a list of 2-element tuples (a, b) specifying the positon angle boundaries (a <= PA < b) for each section [radians] numbasis : int number of KL basis vectors to use (can be a scalar or list like). Length of b If numbasis is [None] the number of KL modes to be used is automatically picked based on the eigenvalues. movement : int pyKLIP argument - minimum amount of movement (in pixels) of an astrophysical source to consider using that image for a refernece PSF subtraction : str pyKLIP compatible subtraction string, available options are 'ADI', 'RDI', or 'ADI+RDI' outputdir : str Directory to output pyKLIP generated results to. Returns ------- comp_mask : 2D ndarray True/False array of pixels to mask to exclude companion ''' # Create our arrays of planets to inject into the input dataset, note the flux is scaled up by a factor of 10^12 planet_inject = np.repeat(np.array([offaxis_psf_stamp])*1e6, mask_dataset.input.shape[0], axis=0) # Loop over each companion, and inject it into the image. for xy in companion_xy: true_x = xy[0]-center[0] true_y = xy[1]-center[1] sep = np.sqrt(true_x**2 + true_y**2) pa = (np.arctan2(true_y, true_x) * 180 / np.pi) input_theta = pa % 360 #Let's keep everything positive, just in case fakes.inject_planet(frames=mask_dataset.input, centers=mask_dataset.centers, inputflux=planet_inject, astr_hdrs=mask_dataset.wcs, radius=sep, pa=None, thetas=[input_theta], field_dependent_correction=partial(transmission_corrected, filt=filt, mask=mask)) # Perform KLIP on the new images. fileprefix = "FOR_MASKING" #Adjustable if necessary filesuffix = "-KLmodes-all.fits" #Don't adjust if 'RDI' in subtraction: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', FutureWarning) mask_psflib.prepare_library(mask_dataset) parallelized.klip_dataset(mask_dataset, outputdir=outputdir, fileprefix=fileprefix, annuli=annuli, subsections=subsections, numbasis=numbasis, mode=subtraction, psf_library=mask_psflib, movement=movement, verbose=False) # Open the KLIP file and read back in the subtracted image injected_file = "{}/{}{}".format(outputdir, fileprefix, filesuffix) with as hdulist: raw_injected_image = hdulist[0].data[0] image_x, image_y = raw_injected_image.shape image_dx = np.tile(np.arange(-(image_x-1)/2, (image_x)/2), (image_y, 1)) image_dy = np.tile(np.arange(-(image_y-1)/2, (image_y)/2), (image_x, 1)).transpose() injected_image_centers = [hdulist[0].header["PSFCENTX"], hdulist[0].header["PSFCENTY"]] injected_image = raw_injected_image#transmission_corrected(raw_injected_image, image_dx, image_dy, filt, mask, mode='divide') #Correct for coronagraph transmission again # Assign a mask for pixels above a certain flux threshold. 5e-2 times the max seems to do a good job for all filters, fine tuning may # improve things slightly, but likely not for all filters. comp_mask = np.where(injected_image > 5e-2*np.nanmax(injected_image)) return comp_mask
[docs]def meas_contrast_basic(dat, iwa, owa, resolution, center=None, low_pass_filter=True): """ Duplicate of the meas_contrast() function within pyKLIP, except calculating a standard 5 sigma limit instead of small sample statistics corrections. Parameters ---------- dat : 2D ndarray 2D image - already flux calibrated iwa : float inner working angle owa : float outer working angle resolution : float size of noise resolution element in pixels (for speckle noise ~ FWHM or lambda/D) but it can be 1 pixel if limited by pixel-to-pixel noise. center : list location of star (x,y). If None, defaults the image size // 2. low_pass_filter: bool/float if True, run a low pass filter. Can also be a float which specifices the width of the Gaussian filter (sigma). If False, no Gaussian filter is run Returns ------- (seps, contrast): tuple separations in pixels and corresponding 5 sigma FPF """ if center is None: starx = dat.shape[1]//2 stary = dat.shape[0]//2 else: starx, stary = center # figure out how finely to sample the radial profile dr = resolution/2.0 numseps = int((owa-iwa)/dr) # don't want to start right at the edge of the occulting mask # but also want to well sample the contrast curve so go at twice the resolution seps = np.arange(numseps) * dr + iwa + resolution/2.0 dsep = resolution # find equivalent Gaussian PSF for this resolution # run a low pass filter on the data, check if input is boolean or a number if not isinstance(low_pass_filter, bool): # manually passed in low pass filter size sigma = low_pass_filter filtered = pyklip.klip.nan_gaussian_filter(dat, sigma) elif low_pass_filter: # set low pass filter size to be same as resolution element sigma = dsep / 2.355 # assume resolution element size corresponds to FWHM filtered = pyklip.klip. nan_gaussian_filter(dat, sigma) else: # no filtering filtered = dat contrast = [] # create a coordinate grid x,y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(float(dat.shape[1])), np.arange(float(dat.shape[0]))) r = np.sqrt((x-starx)**2 + (y-stary)**2) theta = np.arctan2(y-stary, x-starx) % 2*np.pi for sep in seps: # calculate noise in an annulus with width of the resolution element annulus = np.where((r < sep + resolution/2) & (r > sep - resolution/2)) noise_mean = np.nanmean(filtered[annulus]) noise_std = 5*np.nanstd(filtered[annulus], ddof=1) return seps, np.array(noise_std)
[docs]def compute_contrast(subtracted_hdu_file, filt, mask, offaxis_psf_stamp, offaxis_flux, raw_input_dataset, raw_input_psflib, primary_vegamag=0, pixel_scale=0.063, annuli=1, subsections=1, numbasis=25, movement=1, subtraction='ADI', companion_xy=None, verbose=True, outputdir='./RESULTS/', plot_klip_throughput=False, low_pass=False): """ Function to compute contrast curves from a pyKLIP subtracted image file. Contrast curves will be corrected for both the coronagraphic and KLIP throughput, in addition to being converted to relative, and absolute magnitude sensitivity limits. Parameters ---------- subtracted_hdu_file : str Filename for a subtracted image file as produced by pyklip.parallelized.klip_dataset() filt : str JWST filter string mask : str JWST coronagraphic mask string offaxis_psf_stamp : 2D ndarray Stamp image of an offaxis (i.e. not underneath the coronagraph) PSF offaxis_flux : float Peak flux of the offaxis PSF raw_input_dataset : pyKLIP Dataset The input target dataset that was used to generate the subtracted_hdu_file. Used many times over for planet injection. raw_input_psflib : pyKLIP PSFLibrary The input PSF library dataset that was used to generate the subtracted_hdu_file, if any. Used many times over for planet injection. primary_vegamag : float Vega magnitude of the primary source of the target scene in the specified filter. pixel_scale : float Pixel scale for this observation. annuli : int pyKLIP argument - Annuli to use for KLIP. Can be a number, or a list of 2-element tuples (a, b) specifying the pixel boundaries (a <= r < b) for each annulus subsections : int pyKLIP argument - Sections to break each annuli into. Can be a number [integer], or a list of 2-element tuples (a, b) specifying the positon angle boundaries (a <= PA < b) for each section [radians] numbasis : int number of KL basis vectors to use (can be a scalar or list like). Length of b If numbasis is [None] the number of KL modes to be used is automatically picked based on the eigenvalues. movement : int pyKLIP argument - minimum amount of movement (in pixels) of an astrophysical source to consider using that image for a refernece PSF subtraction : str pyKLIP compatible subtraction string, available options are 'ADI', 'RDI', or 'ADI+RDI' companion_xy : iterator of tuples zip() tuples, with each containing any companion x and y *pixel* locations. verbose : bool Optional argument to turn on (True) or off (False) printed terminal updates. outputdir : str Directory to save any temporary or results files. plot_klip_throughput : bool Optional argument to plot (True) the calculated KLIP throughput for each image. Primarily for debugging. Returns ------- all_contrasts : dict Dictionary output of the contrast, relative magnitude sensitivity, absolute magnitude sensitivity and separation. Alternative formats of the separation, the contrast prior to throughput corrections, and the estimated KLIP throughput, are also provided. """ ##### First thing we need to do is open the file with the subtracted images. with as hdulist: subtracted_hdu = hdulist[0] raw_image =[0] center = [subtracted_hdu.header["PSFCENTX"], subtracted_hdu.header["PSFCENTY"]] ##### Get initial properties based on filter and mask input. wavelength = float(re.findall('\\d+', filt)[0]) / 1e8 lambda_d_arcsec = (wavelength / 6.5) * (180 / np.pi) * 3600 lambda_d_pixel = lambda_d_arcsec / pixel_scale inner_working_angle = 0 #Images are already NaN'ed within 0.5 lambda/D # For the OWA, get inaccurate measurements close to the edges of the simulated image, so only go 95% of the way. # In reality many more pixels will be available as simulation is a small portion of detector, so this effect is artificial. outer_working_angle = 0.95*int(raw_image.shape[0]/2) ##### Normalise by the coronagraphic throughput image_x, image_y = raw_image.shape image_dx = np.tile(np.arange(-(image_x-1)/2, (image_x)/2), (image_y, 1)) image_dy = np.tile(np.arange(-(image_y-1)/2, (image_y)/2), (image_x, 1)).transpose() image = transmission_corrected(raw_image, image_dx, image_dy, filt, mask, mode='divide') ##### If we aren't using a spherically symmetric coronagraph, we should mask out certain pixels to improve the contrast measurement. if mask in ['MASKSWB', 'MASKLWB', 'FQPM1065', 'FQPM1140', 'FQPM1550']: mask_throughput = raw_image / image # Identify a level at which pixels should be set to nans, be slightly more aggresive for MIRI if mask in ['MASKSWB', 'MASKLWB']: nan_cut = 0.5 nan_mask = np.where(mask_throughput<nan_cut) raw_image[nan_mask] = np.nan image[nan_mask] = np.nan elif mask in ['FQPM1065', 'FQPM1140', 'FQPM1550']: raw_image = mask_pa(raw_image, [(7.5,87.5), (97.5,182.5), (187.5,272.5), (277.5,360), (0, 2.5)]) image = mask_pa(image, [(7.5,87.5), (97.5,182.5), (187.5,272.5), (277.5,360), (0, 2.5)]) ##### Also, if there are companions in the image, these should be masked out. if companion_xy != None: comp_mask_dataset = deepcopy(raw_input_dataset) comp_mask_psflib = deepcopy(raw_input_psflib) comp_mask = get_companion_mask(companion_xy, comp_mask_dataset, comp_mask_psflib, offaxis_psf_stamp, center=center, filt=filt, mask=mask, annuli=annuli, subsections=subsections, numbasis=numbasis, subtraction=subtraction, movement=movement, outputdir=outputdir) raw_image[comp_mask] = np.nan image[comp_mask] = np.nan ##### Divide by the peak of the offaxis flux to convert the images into contrast raw_image /= offaxis_flux image /= offaxis_flux if low_pass == True: low_pass = lambda_d_pixel/2.355 resolution = lambda_d_pixel ##### Grab a contrast measurement before and after the coronagraphic throughput correction uncorr_contrast_seps, uncorr_contrast = pyklip.klip.meas_contrast(dat=raw_image, iwa=inner_working_angle, owa=outer_working_angle, resolution=resolution, center=center, low_pass_filter=low_pass) contrast_seps, contrast = pyklip.klip.meas_contrast(dat=image, iwa=inner_working_angle, owa=outer_working_angle, resolution=resolution, center=center, low_pass_filter=low_pass) uncorr_contrast_seps_raw5sig, uncorr_contrast_raw5sig = meas_contrast_basic(dat=raw_image, iwa=inner_working_angle, owa=outer_working_angle, resolution=1, center=center, low_pass_filter=low_pass) contrast_seps_raw5sig, contrast_raw5sig = meas_contrast_basic(dat=image, iwa=inner_working_angle, owa=outer_working_angle, resolution=1, center=center, low_pass_filter=low_pass) ##### At this stage contrast is usable, but has not been calibrated for the KLIP throughput. ##### Need to inject planets into the raw_image and see how well they are recovered #Define injection values min_sep = 1 # Minimum injection separation max_sep = outer_working_angle # Maximum injection separation inter_planet_sep = 1 # Radial separation in pixels between each planet injection. if 'FQPM' in mask.upper(): nplanets = 4 num_pas = 1 start_pas = [45, 135, 215, 305] else: nplanets = 3 #Just inject 1 planet at a time, but can do multiple at once. start_pas = np.linspace(0, 360*(nplanets-1)/nplanets, nplanets) #Starting PA's for the injected planets. num_pas = 3 # Number of different PA's to look at for each separation. Should avoid values of 1,2,4 for MIRI as they will lie behind the 4QPM edges. # Maximum separation of first iteration and number of loops needed. max_sep_1 = min_sep + (inter_planet_sep * (nplanets-1)) n_sep_loops = int((((max_sep - min_sep)/(inter_planet_sep)) + 1)/nplanets) #Offaxis psf stamp to use for injection psf_stamp_input = np.array([offaxis_psf_stamp]) retrieved_fluxes_all, planet_pas_all, planet_seps_all, input_contrasts_all = [], [], [], [] contrast_interp = interp1d(contrast_seps, uncorr_contrast, kind='slinear', bounds_error=False, fill_value='extrapolate') if verbose: print('--> Determining KLIP Throughput') for n in range(n_sep_loops): # Create array of separations and contrasts to be injected at, spaced by desired distance b/t planets planet_seps = np.arange(min_sep + (n*nplanets*inter_planet_sep), max_sep_1+1 + (n*nplanets*inter_planet_sep), inter_planet_sep) # Gather contrasts at the separation of the injected planet for the *uncorrected* images, i.e coronagraph throughput is still there. input_contrasts = contrast_interp(planet_seps)*1000 # Loop over however many PA's were requested. for num_pa in range(num_pas): # Copy our dataset, otherwise we'll keep injecting planets into the same image. input_dataset = deepcopy(raw_input_dataset) input_psflib = deepcopy(raw_input_psflib) # Rotate the planets between each iteration, equally spaced based on num_pas - plus a slight deviation to break symmetries. planet_pas = [x+(360*num_pa)/num_pas+1 for x in start_pas] # Loop over all of the planets to be injected. injected = [] # Record whether planets were injected or not for input_contrast, sep, pa in zip(input_contrasts, planet_seps, planet_pas): # Let's do some checks to make sure we want to inject a planet here perform_injection = True # Make sure we don't inject planets on top of, or close to, existing planets if companion_xy != None: #Get pixel position, make sure to minus the x position as we are going counterclockwise check_pos_x = -(sep * np.sin(pa*np.pi/180)) + center[0] check_pos_y = (sep * np.cos(pa*np.pi/180)) + center[1] for xy in companion_xy: dist_planet = np.sqrt((check_pos_x - xy[0])**2 + (check_pos_y - (image.shape[1] - xy[1]) )**2) # Don't inject planets within 2 lambda/D of an existing companion. if dist_planet < 2*lambda_d_pixel: perform_injection = False if perform_injection: base_planet_flux = psf_stamp_input * input_contrast planet_flux = np.repeat(base_planet_flux, input_dataset.input.shape[0], axis=0) #Need to pass as many planet PSF stamps as there are target images. ### Tidy later, but essentially if specifying the input thetas, you have to do so for every input ADI frame, not just a single angle. ### Also, for some reason, the array needs to be flipped relative to the input_dataset.PAs to line things up correctly. input_thetas = ((270 - pa - input_dataset.PAs) % 360) fakes.inject_planet(frames=input_dataset.input, centers=input_dataset.centers, inputflux=planet_flux, astr_hdrs=input_dataset.wcs, radius=sep, pa=None, thetas=input_thetas, field_dependent_correction=partial(transmission_corrected, filt=filt, mask=mask)) injected.append(True) else: # Just move to the next injection location injected.append(False) continue # Now want to run KLIP on these planet injected images fileprefix = "FAKE_INJECTED_{}".format(num_pas) #Adjustable if necessary filesuffix = "-KLmodes-all.fits" #Don't adjust if 'RDI' in subtraction: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', FutureWarning) input_psflib.prepare_library(input_dataset) parallelized.klip_dataset(input_dataset, outputdir=outputdir, fileprefix=fileprefix, annuli=annuli, subsections=subsections, numbasis=numbasis, mode=subtraction, psf_library=input_psflib, movement=movement, verbose=False) #Reopen produced file from pyKLIP injected_file = "{}{}{}".format(outputdir, fileprefix, filesuffix) with as hdulist: injected_image = hdulist[0].data[0] injected_image_centers = [hdulist[0].header["PSFCENTX"], hdulist[0].header["PSFCENTY"]] # Retrieve the planetary flux and append it to our initial array retrieved_planet_fluxes, used_contrasts, used_seps, used_pas = [], [], [], [] for input_contrast, sep, pa, inj in zip(input_contrasts, planet_seps, planet_pas, injected): # Planet injection step. if inj == True: # Before we retrieve the flux, we may need to apply a low pass filter (smoothing) to the images # if this is what was done to obtain the contrast curve. # Make sure to use the same value of lambda_d_pixel/2.355. if low_pass != False: injected_image = pyklip.klip.nan_gaussian_filter(injected_image, low_pass) input_theta = (270 - pa) % 360 fake_flux = fakes.retrieve_planet_flux(frames=injected_image, centers=injected_image_centers, astr_hdrs=input_dataset.output_wcs[0], sep=sep, pa=None, thetas=input_theta, searchrad=int(lambda_d_pixel*2), guessfwhm=lambda_d_pixel) # Flux measured should be modified by the KLIP throughput, and the coronagraphic throughput # included in the field_dependent_correction during injection. retrieved_planet_fluxes.append(fake_flux) used_contrasts.append(input_contrast) used_seps.append(sep) used_pas.append(pa) # Add things to the arrays defined at the start retrieved_fluxes_all.extend(retrieved_planet_fluxes) planet_pas_all.extend(used_pas) planet_seps_all.extend(used_seps) input_contrasts_all.extend(used_contrasts) # Delete the injected planet image, as it will only clutter the directory os.remove(injected_file) ##### So, now planets have been injected into a variety of images and the flux prior to and after the injection has been measured. ##### What we can now do is use this flux ratio to calibrate the contrast curve for the KLIP throughput. # Create a table of all variables inject_vars = Table([retrieved_fluxes_all, planet_seps_all, input_contrasts_all, planet_pas_all], names=("flux", "separation", "input_contrast", "pas")) inject_vars["input_flux"] = inject_vars["input_contrast"] * offaxis_flux #Peak flux from the offaxis PSF inject_vars["throughput"] = inject_vars["flux"] / inject_vars["input_flux"] # Calculate throughput and add it to the table inject_vars_grouped = inject_vars.group_by("separation") # Group by separation med_inject_vars = inject_vars_grouped.groups.aggregate(np.nanmedian) # Calculate the median values at each separation # Can't have a negative throughput, but can arise erroneously very close to the primary source due to speckle noise. # Counteract this by setting all negative throughput values to a very low value of 1e-10 med_inject_vars["throughput"][np.where(med_inject_vars['throughput']<0)] = 1e-10 # Also shouldn't really have a throughput greater than 1, so let's knock those down med_inject_vars["throughput"][np.where(med_inject_vars['throughput']>1)] = 1 # Fudge factor for MIRI F1550C if filt.lower() == 'f1550c' and 'RDI' in subtraction: #Manually adjust the throughput to match observations med_inject_vars["throughput"] = med_inject_vars["throughput"] * 0.5 # Find the throughput for the separations the contrast curve has been computed at throughput_interp = np.interp(contrast_seps, med_inject_vars['separation'], med_inject_vars["throughput"]) # Apply median KLIP throughput to the 5 sigma contrast curve which hasn't been corrected for the coronagraph throughput klip_corrected_contrast = uncorr_contrast / throughput_interp ##### Convert to relative magnitude contrast and apparent magnitude sensitivity relmag = -2.5*np.log10(klip_corrected_contrast) appmag = relmag + primary_vegamag #Because we add the primary magntiude, no longer a contrast but a sensitivity. ##### Now make it all again, but for the basic 5 sigma curves with no small separation correction throughput_interp2 = np.interp(contrast_seps_raw5sig, med_inject_vars['separation'], med_inject_vars['throughput']) klip_corrected_contrast_raw5sig = uncorr_contrast_raw5sig / throughput_interp2 relmag_raw5sig = -2.5*np.log10(klip_corrected_contrast_raw5sig) appmag_raw5sig = relmag_raw5sig + primary_vegamag # Prepare dictionary to return contrasts, give things more descriptive names for users. all_contrasts = {'separation':contrast_seps, 'separation_arcsec':contrast_seps*pixel_scale, 'separation_lambdad':contrast_seps/lambda_d_pixel, 'contrast_noklipthrput_nocorothrput':uncorr_contrast, 'contrast_noklipthrput':contrast, 'contrast':klip_corrected_contrast, 'klipcorothrput':throughput_interp, 'relmag':relmag, 'appmag_sens':appmag, 'separation_raw5sig':contrast_seps_raw5sig, 'separation_arcsec_raw5sig':contrast_seps_raw5sig*pixel_scale, 'separation_lambdad_raw5sig':contrast_seps_raw5sig/lambda_d_pixel,'contrast_noklipthrput_nocorothrput_raw5sig':uncorr_contrast_raw5sig, 'contrast_noklipthrput_raw5sig':contrast_raw5sig, 'contrast_raw5sig':klip_corrected_contrast_raw5sig, 'relmag_raw5sig':relmag_raw5sig, 'appmag_sens_raw5sig':appmag_raw5sig} if plot_klip_throughput: plt.figure() ax = plt.gca() ax.plot(med_inject_vars["separation"], med_inject_vars["throughput"], color="#577B51", label="Median Throughput") ax.scatter(inject_vars["separation"], inject_vars["throughput"], color = '#95B2B8', alpha=0.5, edgecolors='black', s=80) ax.set_ylim(0,1) ax.set_ylabel("Throughput") ax.set_xlabel("Planet Separation") ax.set_title("Algorithm Throughput") ax.legend(frameon=False, loc="lower left") return all_contrasts
[docs]def mask_pa(image, pa_ranges=[]): # Mask out bar mask occulter. image_masked = image.copy() cent = np.array([image.shape[1]-1, image.shape[0]-1])/2. yy, xx = np.indices(image.shape) # pix tt = np.rad2deg(-1.*np.arctan2((xx-cent[0]), (yy-cent[1]))) % 360. # deg for i in range(len(pa_ranges)): if (i == 0): image_masked[:] = np.nan mask = (tt >= pa_ranges[i][0]) & (tt <= pa_ranges[i][1]) image_masked[mask] = image[mask] return image_masked
[docs]def get_source_properties(template_obs, primary_source): ''' Small function to grab a variety of source properties for a template observation HDUList Parameters ---------- template_obs : HDUList FITS data for a template observation file primary_source : str String descriptor of the primary source in the observation. Returns ------- source_props : dict Dictionary of source properties as extracted from the input template_obs file. ''' header = template_obs.header pixel_scale = header['PIXSCALE'] num_sources = header['NSOURCES'] #raw_center = np.array([0].shape) / 2.0 raw_center = np.array([[0].shape[1]-1,[0].shape[0]-1])/2. sources = [header['SOURCE{}'.format(j+1)] for j in range(num_sources)] primary_source_id = sources.index(primary_source) # Gather target props target_primary_vegamag = template_obs.header['S{}VGAMG'.format(primary_source_id+1)] target_xoff = template_obs.header['S{}XOFF1'.format(primary_source_id+1)] / pixel_scale target_yoff = -template_obs.header['S{}YOFF1'.format(primary_source_id+1)] / pixel_scale if num_sources > 1: # Gather companion props comp_xoffs = np.array([header['S{}XOFF1'.format(j+1)]/pixel_scale for j in range(num_sources) if j != primary_source_id]) comp_yoffs = np.array([-header['S{}YOFF1'.format(j+1)]/pixel_scale for j in range(num_sources) if j != primary_source_id]) comp_seps = np.sqrt((comp_xoffs-target_xoff)**2 + (comp_yoffs-target_yoff)**2) * pixel_scale comp_xy = [[x,y] for x,y, in zip(comp_xoffs+raw_center[0], comp_yoffs+raw_center[1])] comp_names = [header['SOURCE{}'.format(j+1)] for j in range(num_sources) if j != primary_source_id] comp_vegamags = [header['S{}VGAMG'.format(j+1)] for j in range(num_sources) if j != primary_source_id] comp_contrasts = 10**(-0.4 * (np.array(comp_vegamags) - target_primary_vegamag)) else: comp_vegamags, comp_seps, comp_xy, comp_names, comp_contrasts = None, None, None, None, None source_props = {'target_primary_vegamag':target_primary_vegamag, 'comp_vegamags':comp_vegamags, 'comp_seps':comp_seps, 'comp_xy':comp_xy, 'comp_names':comp_names, 'comp_contrasts':comp_contrasts} return source_props
[docs]def companion_snrs(subtracted_hdu_file, filt, mask, companion_xy, mask_radius=7): ''' Function to, perhaps crudely, estimate the SNR of a planet in a pyKLIP subtracted image. Parameters ---------- subtracted_hdu_file : str Filepath for the subtracted image. filt : str JWST filter string mask : str JWST coronagraphic mask string companion_xy : iterator of tuples zip() tuples, with each containing the companion x and y *pixel* locations. Returns ------- companion_snrs : list List of companion SNR's corresponding the order provided in companion_xy ''' # Read in the file with as hdulist: subtracted_hdu = hdulist[0] raw_image =[0] center = [subtracted_hdu.header["PSFCENTX"], subtracted_hdu.header["PSFCENTY"]] # Correct for the coronagraphic throughput image_x, image_y = raw_image.shape image_dx = np.tile(np.arange(-(image_x-1)/2, (image_x)/2), (image_y, 1)) image_dy = np.tile(np.arange(-(image_y-1)/2, (image_y)/2), (image_x, 1)).transpose() image = transmission_corrected(raw_image, image_dx, image_dy, filt, mask, mode='divide') # Construct a grid with the same shape as the image, compute radial distance from image center x,y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(image.shape[1]), np.arange(image.shape[0])) rad_dist = np.sqrt((x-center[0])**2+(y-center[1])**2) # Mask the coronagraphic bar if mask in ['MASKSWB', 'MASKLWB', 'FQPM1065', 'FQPM1140', 'FQPM1550']: mask_throughput = raw_image / image # Identify a level at which pixels should be set to nans. Be less aggresive than contrast measurement. if mask in ['MASKSWB', 'MASKLWB']: nan_cut = 0.5 elif mask in ['FQPM1065', 'FQPM1140', 'FQPM1550']: nan_cut = 0.7 nan_mask = np.where(mask_throughput<nan_cut) image[nan_mask] = np.nan # Mask companions masked_image = mask_companions([deepcopy(image)], companion_xy, mask_radius=mask_radius)[0] ##### Compute the 2D SNR annulus_width = 1 # Build a lambda function to compute the standard deviation within an annulus f = lambda r : np.nanstd(masked_image[(rad_dist >= r-annulus_width/2) & (rad_dist < r+annulus_width/2)]) # Define the radial separations r = np.linspace(0,100,num=100) # Catch RuntimeWarnings from the np.nanstd() function at separations where all pixels == NaN with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning) # Pass separations to our function, vectorize so it accepts numpy arrays std = np.vectorize(f)(r) std_interp = interp1d(r, std) # Interpolate the results # Use radial array as a template array std_2d = deepcopy(rad_dist) for i, row in enumerate(std_2d): for j, item in enumerate(row): std_2d[i,j] = std_interp(item) #Assign each pixel it's standard deviation using the interpolation # Divide through to obtain the 2D SNR map. image_snr = image / std_2d ##### Now for each companion, try to fit a 2D gaussian to its location to estimate the peak SNR companion_snrs = [] for comp in companion_xy: bestfit = fakes.gaussfit2d(image_snr, comp[0], comp[1], searchrad=3, guessfwhm=2, refinefit=True) companion_snrs.append(bestfit[0]) return companion_snrs
[docs]def contrast_curve(pancake_results, target, references=None, subtraction='ADI', filters='all', masks='all', target_rolls='default', target_primary_source='default', reference_primary_sources='default', reference_rolls='default', klip_annuli=1, klip_subsections=1, klip_numbasis=25, klip_movement=1, get_companion_snrs=True, clean_saved_files=False, outputdir='./RESULTS/', save_prefix='default', verbose=True, plot_contrast=True, plot_klip_throughput=False, low_pass_filter=False, save_contrasts=True, regis_err='saved'): ''' Overarching function to compute contrast curves from output PanCAKE results. Parameters ---------- pancake_results : HDUList Simulated results as returned by pancake.sequence.Sequence().run() target : str The provided string name for the target scene in the observation sequence. references : str / list of strings / NoneType The provided string name(s) for the reference scene(s) in the observations sequence, if any. subtraction : str pyKLIP compatible subtraction string, available options are 'ADI', 'RDI', or 'ADI+RDI' filters : str JWST filter string, or 'all' to use all available filters. masks : str JWST mask string, or 'all' to use all available masks target_rolls : list of ints / floats Which target PA roll images to use. Alternatively, 'default' to use all of them for ADI modes, or roll=0 for RDI. target_primary_source : str Desired primary source to use for the target scene, or 'default' to assume primary source. reference_primary_sources : str / list of strings Desired primary source(s) to use for the reference scene(s), or 'default' to assume primary source(s). reference_rolls : list of ints / floats Which reference PA roll images to use. Alternatively, 'default' to use all of them for ADI modes, or roll=0 for RDI. klip_annuli : int pyKLIP argument - Annuli to use for KLIP. Can be a number, or a list of 2-element tuples (a, b) specifying the pixel boundaries (a <= r < b) for each annulus klip_subsections : int pyKLIP argument - Sections to break each annuli into. Can be a number [integer], or a list of 2-element tuples (a, b) specifying the positon angle boundaries (a <= PA < b) for each section [radians] klip_numbasis : int number of KL basis vectors to use (can be a scalar or list like). Length of b If numbasis is [None] the number of KL modes to be used is automatically picked based on the eigenvalues. klip_movement : int pyKLIP argument - minimum amount of movement (in pixels) of an astrophysical source to consider using that image for a refernece PSF get_companions_snrs : bool True to calculate SNR's of any companions in subtracted images, False to not. clean_saved_files : bool True to delete any subtracted files generated by pyKLIP outputdir : str Output directory to save subtracted files to. save_prefix : str Prefix of filenames to be saved, 'default is "{}-{}-{}-{}-nb{}a{}s{}m{}".format(target, filt, mask, subtraction, klip_nb_str, klip_annuli, klip_subsections, klip_movement) verbose : bool Toggle for printing various messages throughout the computation plot_contrast : bool Toggle for plotting of contrast curves plot_klip_throughput : bool Toggle for plotting of calculated klip_throughout, may interrupt code execution save_contrasts : bool Toggle for saving computed contrasts to a file. regis_err : str Error when registering the unsubtracted images to a common center Returns ------- contrast_curve_dict : dict Dictionary output of all requested contrasts, relative magnitude sensitivities, absolute magnitude sensitivities and separations. Alternative formats of the separation, the contrast prior to throughput corrections, and the estimated KLIP throughput, are also provided. ''' ###### Perform some input checks on the user provided parameters # Check requested subtraction is valid sub_methods = ['ADI', 'RDI', 'RDI+ADI', 'ADI+RDI'] if subtraction not in sub_methods: raise ValueError("Specified subtraction method '{}' not valid, possible methods are: {}".format(subtraction, ', '.join(sub_methods))) if subtraction in ['RDI', 'RDI+ADI', 'ADI+RDI'] and references == None: raise ValueError("Must identify reference scene observations through the 'references' argument.") if subtraction == 'ADI' and references != None: if verbose: print('Specified reference scenes will not be used for ADI subtraction!') references = None # Check the output directory exists, if not then create it if not os.path.exists(outputdir): os.makedirs(outputdir) #Convert certain arguments to lists if necessary if isinstance(references, str): references = [references] if isinstance(target_rolls, (int, float)): target_rolls = [target_rolls] if isinstance(klip_numbasis, int): klip_numbasis = [klip_numbasis] if isinstance(filters, str): filters = [filters] if isinstance(masks, str): masks = [masks] # Make sure strings are upper case if filters[0] != 'all': filters = [filt.upper() for filt in filters] if masks[0] != 'all': masks = [mask.upper() for mask in masks] #Get all of the observation / scenenames obs_names = [pancake_results[i].header['EXTNAME'] for i in range(1,len(pancake_results))] #Assign filters if no specifics are requested. if filters == ['all']: filters = list(dict.fromkeys([i.split('_')[-1] for i in obs_names if ':'+target+'_' in i])) ##### Identify the Sources that correspond to the central "star" for all of the used scenes. primary_sources = identify_primary_sources(pancake_results, target, references=references, target_primary_source=target_primary_source, reference_primary_sources=reference_primary_sources) ##### Start loop for creating contrast curves if verbose: print('Computing Contrast Curves ({})...'.format(subtraction)) contrast_curve_dict = {} #This is where all the contrast curves will be saved for filt in filters: ### Get all of the target observations based on filter raw_target_obs = [j for j in obs_names if target in j and filt in j] if not raw_target_obs: raise ValueError("Unable to find specified target/filter observation '{}/{}' within simulated results. Possible observations include: {}".format(target, filt, ', '.join(obs_names))) all_simulated_masks = list(dict.fromkeys([j.split('_')[-2] for j in raw_target_obs])) #This is all of the masks simulated for this filter ###If all masks were requested, just use the all that are available. If not, use those specifically requested if masks[0] == 'all': used_masks = all_simulated_masks else: used_masks = masks ### Now loop over all of the masks for mask in used_masks: # Trim if necessary if mask[-2:] in ['SW', 'LW']: mask = mask[:-2] print('{} // {}+{}'.format(target, filt.upper(), mask.upper())) ### Get the target observations just for this mask target_obs = [j for j in raw_target_obs if mask in j] if not target_obs: raise ValueError("Unable to find specified target/mask/filter observation '{}/{}/{}' within simulated results. Possible observations include: {}".format(target, mask, filt, ', '.join(obs_names))) ### If necessary, get the reference observations if references != None: reference_obs = [j for j in obs_names if any(ref in j for ref in references) and filt in j and mask in j] if not reference_obs: raise ValueError("Unable to find any reference/mask/filter observations of '{}/{}/{}' within simulated results. Possible observations include: {}".format("/{}/{}', '".format(mask, filt).join(references), filt, mask, ', '.join(obs_names))) else: reference_obs = None ##### Create the KLIP datasets processed = process_simulations(pancake_results, target, target_obs, filt, mask, primary_sources, references=references, reference_obs=reference_obs, target_rolls=target_rolls, reference_rolls=reference_rolls, subtraction=subtraction, low_pass=low_pass_filter, regis_err=regis_err) ##### Perform the subtraction ### Prior to the subtraction, must duplicate the datasets for KLIP throughput calculations target_dataset_throughput = deepcopy(processed['target_dataset']) if processed['psflib'] != None: psflib_throughput = deepcopy(processed['psflib']) # Preparing of the PSF library can raise a future warning, ignore it to keep terminal clean. with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', FutureWarning) psflib_throughput.prepare_library(target_dataset_throughput) else: psflib_throughput = None ### Define the prefix to save files if save_prefix == 'default': klip_nb_str = ','.join([str(j) for j in klip_numbasis]) true_save_prefix = "{}-{}-{}-{}-nb{}a{}s{}m{}".format(target, filt, mask, subtraction, klip_nb_str, klip_annuli, klip_subsections, klip_movement) else: true_save_prefix = save_prefix ### Subtraction routine if verbose: print('--> Performing KLIP Subtraction') parallelized.klip_dataset(processed['target_dataset'], outputdir=outputdir, fileprefix=true_save_prefix, annuli=klip_annuli, subsections=klip_subsections, numbasis=klip_numbasis, mode=subtraction, psf_library=processed['psflib'], movement=klip_movement, verbose=False) #This function doesn't return anything. Instead, all information is saved to a FITS file. subtracted_hdu_file = outputdir + "{}-KLmodes-all.fits".format(true_save_prefix) # Get some information on the sources in our scene. source_props = get_source_properties(pancake_results[target_obs[0]], primary_sources[0]) ##### Now want to turn the image results into a contrast curve for this mask and filter combination # Quickly grab the pixel scale for this filter pixel_scale = pancake_results[target_obs[0]].header['PIXSCALE'] # Also need the vegamag of the primary source in the target image for this specific filter nsources = pancake_results[target_obs[0]].header['NSOURCES'] if verbose: print('--> Extracting Contrast Curve') all_contrasts = compute_contrast(subtracted_hdu_file, filt, mask, processed['offaxis_psf_stamp'], processed['offaxis_peak_flux'], target_dataset_throughput, psflib_throughput, primary_vegamag=source_props['target_primary_vegamag'], pixel_scale=pixel_scale, annuli=klip_annuli, subsections=klip_subsections, numbasis=klip_numbasis, subtraction=subtraction, movement=klip_movement, companion_xy=source_props['comp_xy'], outputdir=outputdir, plot_klip_throughput=plot_klip_throughput) contrast_curve_dict['{}+{}'.format(filt.upper(), mask.upper())] = all_contrasts ##### Now that we've done all this, it's also possible to grab the SNR for any companions in the image if get_companion_snrs: if isinstance(source_props['comp_xy'], type(None)): if verbose: print('WARNING: Unable to compute companion SNR as no companions were identified in target image.') else: if verbose: print('--> Estimating Companion SNR') snrs = companion_snrs(subtracted_hdu_file, filt, mask, source_props['comp_xy']) contrast_curve_dict['{}+{}'.format(filt.upper(), mask.upper())]['companion_snrs'] = snrs contrast_curve_dict['{}+{}'.format(filt.upper(), mask.upper())]['companion_contrast'] = source_props['comp_contrasts'] contrast_curve_dict['{}+{}'.format(filt.upper(), mask.upper())]['companion_seps'] = source_props['comp_seps'] contrast_curve_dict['{}+{}'.format(filt.upper(), mask.upper())]['companion_names'] = source_props['comp_names'] contrast_curve_dict['{}+{}'.format(filt.upper(), mask.upper())]['companion_vegamags'] = source_props['comp_vegamags'] # Save output contrasts to a file so things don't need to be calculated again. if save_contrasts: # Create file name ccurve_save_file = subtracted_hdu_file.replace('.fits', '_CURVES.json') # Create a function to convert numpy arrays to lists within the dictionary def default(obj): if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray): return obj.tolist() raise TypeError('Value in contrast curve dictionary not serializable by JSON.') # Save file with open(ccurve_save_file, 'w') as f: json.dump(contrast_curve_dict[filt.upper()+'+'+mask.upper()], f, sort_keys=True, indent=4, default=default) # Default behaviour is to leave KLIP subtracted files, but if requested the files **for this run only** will be deleted. if clean_saved_files: os.remove(subtracted_hdu_file) # Plot contrast curve for this filter/mask combo if requested. if plot_contrast: ##### First make a plot for the straightforward contrast plot_save_file = subtracted_hdu_file.replace('.fits', '_CURVES.png') plt.figure(figsize=(12,7)) ax = plt.gca() separation = contrast_curve_dict['{}+{}'.format(filt.upper(), mask.upper())]['separation_arcsec'] ax.plot(separation, all_contrasts['contrast'], color="#577B51", linewidth = 3, label = '5$\\sigma$ Contrast') ax.plot(all_contrasts['separation_arcsec_raw5sig'], all_contrasts['contrast_raw5sig'], color="#A1BF9C", linewidth = 3, label = '5$\\sigma$ Standard Deviation', ls=':') # Also add companion magnitudes if necessary. if not isinstance(source_props['comp_seps'], type(None)) and not isinstance(source_props['comp_contrasts'], type(None)): ax.scatter(source_props['comp_seps'], source_props['comp_contrasts'], c='w', edgecolors='k', linewidths=2, s=50) for j, name in enumerate(source_props['comp_names']): ax.annotate(name, (source_props['comp_seps'][j], source_props['comp_contrasts'][j]), xytext=(5, 5), textcoords='offset points') ax.legend(frameon=False, fontsize=14) ax.set_yscale('log') ax.set_ylim([1e-7, 1e-2]) ax.set_ylabel("Contrast", fontsize=16) ax.set_xlabel('Separation (")', fontsize=16) ax.tick_params(which='both', direction='in', labelsize=14, axis='both', top=True, right=True) ax.set_title('{} // {}+{}'.format(target, filt.upper(), mask.upper()), fontsize=18) plt.savefig(plot_save_file, bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300) ##### Now make a plot for the absolute magnitude contrast limit reached. plot_save_file = subtracted_hdu_file.replace('.fits', '_MAGCURVES.png') plt.figure(figsize=(12,7)) ax = plt.gca() separation = contrast_curve_dict['{}+{}'.format(filt.upper(), mask.upper())]['separation_arcsec'] ax.plot(separation, all_contrasts['appmag_sens'], color="#577B51", linewidth = 3, label = '5$\\sigma$ Sensitivity Limit') ax.plot(all_contrasts['separation_arcsec_raw5sig'], all_contrasts['appmag_sens_raw5sig'], color="#A1BF9C", linewidth = 3, label = '5$\\sigma$ Standard Deviation', ls=':') # Also add companion magnitudes if necessary. if not isinstance(source_props['comp_seps'], type(None)) and not isinstance(source_props['comp_vegamags'], type(None)): ax.scatter(source_props['comp_seps'], source_props['comp_vegamags'], c='w', edgecolors='k', linewidths=2, s=50) for j, name in enumerate(source_props['comp_names']): ax.annotate(name, (source_props['comp_seps'][j], source_props['comp_vegamags'][j]), xytext=(5, 5), textcoords='offset points') ax.legend(frameon=False, fontsize=14) ax.set_ylim([ax.get_ylim()[::-1][0], 0]) ax.set_ylabel("Apparent Magnitude", fontsize=16) ax.set_xlabel('Separation (")', fontsize=16) ax.tick_params(which='both', direction='in', labelsize=14, axis='both', top=True, right=True) ax.set_title('{} // {}+{}'.format(target, filt.upper(), mask.upper()), fontsize=18) plt.savefig(plot_save_file, bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300) return contrast_curve_dict